Experienced player LF long term casual guild to call home

Hey guys, currently switched to playing a prot warrior - will be investing all my time into learning it, have played since Vanilla a lot of high rated PvP experience but now just want to relax with some new friends do mythics and do some casual raiding. I’m friendly with a good sense of humour from Surrey in England, happy to character transfer/swap factions - let me know !:slight_smile:

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Hey there! =D

Our guild, Ministry of Silly Wipes may be a good place for you!
We’re a social/casual raiding guild, who chat alot together on Discord whilst we play, and do Mythics and such throughout the week, as well as raid on weekends.
Give our thread a look, and if you like the sound of us, feel free to add me to chat!
Discord: xWestie#9361
Bnet: Westie#2496

Look forward to hearing from you ^^

Hi Dothraki

Feel free to add me on Discord: Antionette#8339 If you want to have a chat :slight_smile:

Hey there, please add me for a chat on Discord.


Hey @Dothraki

We are currently running a guild on Alliance Side called: Wicked Demise

Currently we are more into doing mythic dungeons and being social in discord, but we are also looking to raid whenever we have enough active people on Al’akir / Xavius / Skullcrusher.

Our guild revolves around hanging out with chill but experienced players (think of players that started playing back in Vanilla in 2004) and generally just having fun, we really choose Fun over tryharding of any kind and we do not tolerate and toxic shizzle.

We are not currently actively raiding at the moment besides me pugging with some guildys but we are a friendly bunch of people

Wanna come hangout let me know by either messaging me at the following socials:

  • Battle.net: Frost#28365
  • Discord: MicroFrost#0001

Or join our Discord and shoot me a message there: discord.gg/wickeddemise

Hi Dothraki!

If you are still looking for a guild, we might be what you are looking for!

Created back in 2007, enjoying fair raid progress through all the expansions until taking a break in 2017, Soul Crusaders is working towards the same chilled raid progress, as well building up in M+. The guild has always valued people over pixels and have a history of strong friendships being built. We understand that real life comes first and to this end, try to schedule our raids and M+ to fit in with that.

Our current raid nights are Sun and Tues, 21:15-23:00 ST. 6/10 N and 3/10 HC. Our progress has been slower than we’d like as we need more team members :wink:

Our M+ nights are Fridays (higher keys, +8 and up) and Thursdays (M0-7, for learning, gearing, building confidence, alts), also 21:15-23:00.

If you’re interested, get in touch - sheira#1910

Looking forward to hearing from you :slight_smile:

Hi Dothraki

Feel free to add me on Discord: GreenDragon#8523 , to see if we are the right fit for you. :slight_smile: