Experienced player looking for new home

Hey Guys!

A bit about myself.
I am a 23 year old male, been playing WoW since Vanilla.
I am a 358 Survival Hunter (I am open to change spec if need of ranged dps), looking for a semi hardcore raiding guild.

What am I looking for?
I work night shifts so I am looking for a team with quite specific raid times, 3 days a week 18-21 server time.
I am looking for a team whom has the goal to clear Mythic Raid (Cutting Edge) at a decent pace.

What is my experience and what I can contribute with?
The last time I played hardcore I raided ICC 25m Heroic on a Hunter. Since then I've played more casually, however I am now, with BFA looking to return to top tier content.
I am a dedicated player who puts the team infront of my own needs, and I am always looking to have a good time.
I try to find every niché I can to maximize my dps in all scenarios.

If you think I am the player for your team, then please do hit me up on BattleTag Taurzan#2641 so we can have a chat about our future together. :smiley:
Interesting player, indeed. Sadly we do not fit your time requirements, else you'd be perfect for our team!
Yea that is sad. Good luck though in Uldir :)
Hey mate,

We are looking for a Hunter currently, we raid 20:00-23:00 ST W/Th/Su.
Let me know if this is a good fit, and we can talk more :)
Sadly the time is a little off. Good luck though in raids to come