Experienced returning raider LF HC/early Mythic guild for next season


I’m a long experienced raider (currently H-Kazzak) who’s returned from a break since mid-Shadowlands and looking for a guild to call home for next season. Currently a 625 ret paladin after a few weeks back.

Im looking for somewhere that does a 2 night/week schedule, reliably clearing HC early and then moving into some relaxed mythic as the season goes on. Cant commit to more intense mythic raiding like i used to!

A little about me & my raiding experience:
Been raiding since vanilla. Raided mythic from its introduction in SoO until i took a break towards the end of Castle Nathria. Had a couple of cutting edges up to/in Legion, most other tiers reaching the boss before final.

Have raided as melee/ranged both at a high level. Currently playing a ret pala as ive had this paladin since a few months after vanilla launch, but im flexible on what class to play as long as i find the right home to play it.

Im mid-30s IRL, looking for a guild with a good and mature social atmosphere, with a decent community for doing keys etc outside of raid nights.

If it sounds like we may be a good fit together, drop me a reply and we can chat, or hit me up on discord at Fanes#9927


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Ive dropped you a friend request on discord would be keen to chat further


World of Warcraft Forums

If you wish you can check our guild and you can conctact me anytime :slight_smile:

I think we are a good match mate but my Guild is a weeks old and i am still trying to build up the community. If you would like to have a chat about anything add me on Battlenet: Bzlmode#2272

I would actually be thrilled if we could even discuss it for a bit. Looking forward to talking with you.

Bzlmode of SBN 33 years old

check out Reboot on Silvermoon on guilds of wow or warcraft logs and hit us up :smiley:

Hey I’ve dropped you an add on discord :slight_smile:

Hey Fanes, Welcome back to the game :dracthyr_yay_animated:

I have added you on discord :dracthyr_nod:

Check out our recruitment post if you feel like it Timeskip
Heres a TLDR:

  • 2 Raids per week Wednesday/Monday 20:00-23:00 Server time.

  • Currently recruiting a variety of classes / specs right now and always open to classes not listed.

  • 8/8HC looking at building our team to venture into mythic very soon in the future.

Want more info or to have a chat?
Feel free to message me on Discord or Bnet :slight_smile:

Disc: volto._.
Bnet: Volto#21126

Hello I am the Guild Master of , a newly founded guild (Founded in mid December 2024) by a group of 7 IRL friends we are currently 8/8hc and 2/8 Mythic. We are actively recruiting any kind of players with whatever background to join our ranks and play together and have fun. Our raid days will be Wednsday and Sunday.

We are a friendly community/guild LF players that want to experience the game in all sorts but at the same time we are not looking to be hardcore.

Add me on battlenet Bzlmode#2272 or add me on Discord for more info Bzlpwnz#0344