Explain Firemages to me

I know, no one is going to explain anything to me anyway.

But I can’t understand firemage power. I have like 320K HP as arcane mage, I duel a 167K (or so) frost mage, beat it easily. EASILY!

Then the frost mage changes spec to fire mage, and although I do damage it somewhat, I can never get its HP down, and it keeps defensives up all the time, it gets fire barrier back instantly (or at least almost), and somehow it can dominate completely and damage me so much and I have NO CHANCE!

What the … I can’t understand that. What happened in that duel? I didn’t honestly think it could kill me, but it did it like it was item level 500 or something. THE SAME dang player and character that I JUST beat easily when it was frost mage.

How do you play against firemage? It was like it was even immune to spellstealing sometimes, I couldn’t get its barrier (to protecvt me) and I couldn’t get my own barrier up before it was able to blast me down and I was even frost novaed, it was like I was completely helpless while it was stupidly jumping all around me.

It’s SO frustrating to not be able to understand this game’s logic, and no one explains anything to me. How can the same player, a LOWBIE, beat me so quickly and easily and make me so helpless, when I can’t even survive at all?

Do firemages heal somehow? I shot arcane missiles and destroyed the fire barrier, how can it be almost instantly up again when I have a cooldown with my barrier?

Then I ask it these questions, the player just FLEES and doesn’t even respond, let alone explain! How toxic do you have to be just to manipulate another player just so you can beat them as OP firemage?

Firemages, rogues, huntars and DKs need serious nerfing or at least serious explanation.

Also, it’s completely insane and wrong that a firemage of level 67 can kill 120 just because of how ‘greater pyro’ has been designed. Takes 25% REGARDLESS of everything? COME ON! Nothing else has something that OP! (except rogues and DKs and…)

I agree nerf dh


Lucid major gives you like 30% leech or something along those lines so they heal a lot during their burst. They get a fair bit of selfhealing from azerite traits and minor essences to. Blazing barrier is pretty much the same thing as Prismatic barrier except it does a small amount of damage when you hit into it instead of reducing magical damage.

They primarily use fire spells. Being fire they are probably hot to touch and make a a killer bbq


So a spec needs serious nerfing because you can’t google stuff up.

Interesting way of developping a game.

Also Fire isn’t more tanky than Frost. It just deals a lot more damage.

Dear Aoimahou

I think the main issue you have, is that you don’t know how Fire spec works in PVP, it has a lot of burst potential, being able to dish out a lot, quickly.
Perhaps your friend/opponent had the gear with the right azerite traits (Blast Master), which combined with Combustion and a good amount of Crit in the gear, can lead to some really big crits from the Ignite DOT that is applied by fire spells.
On top of that - Meteor and Greater Pyroblast if combined and timed right, can almost one-shot an average player that isn’t a tank.
Perhaps when duelling that guy when he plays fire, try this:

  • save your coutnerspell for Greater Pyroblast (has a 4 sec cast time! , creates a big fire ball that chases you slowly and hits like a train )
  • save defemsives for teh same spell above, as really if you take that spell out of equation, fire’s damage will not be that great in pvp.
  • move out of the area targeted by meteor, (it doesn’t track the player, it lands where the targeting circle was placed by the casting player, and that area is visible to the opponents - It’s really difficult to actually get someone hit by meteor, unless they are immobilised by something).
  • keep in mind Fire spec has Dragon Breath (frontal cone AOE that makes you loose control of your character for 2 or 3 seconds, which interrupts spell casting)
  • Fire Spec can move and cast (scorch),
  • Fire Spec can have a lot of instant cast pyroblasts (especially within the combustion period, if using the Memory of Lucid Dreams as main essence).

There is also an additional thing which is corruptions, even though some were nerfed when it comes to PVP, there are a few that can still be an extra variable in the equation.

If you want to learn what Fire spec is in PVP and how it works, here is decent guide that explains what happens and when:

Fire 8.3 Guide

Hopefully that knowledge will help you defeat your friend next time :slight_smile:

Don’t give up!
Best regards

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When you see Fire Mage go in flames press Temporal Shield and spam Spellsteal.

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Pretty much this. But yes, fire is really strong at the moment in terms of damage output. You can kill people in 5 seconds flat NAKED if players aren’t paying attention to Gpyro lmao.

Well, the matchup is favored as Arcane.

A good firemage will bate you to waist CS early - they will usually try to bate with a GP - if you waist CS, they will go for a poly/ring (from there you will be fighting an uphill battle - if you can’t blink / invis / LOS the poly/ring).

Do not waist CS early, start with spellstealing the firemage (strip them clean) and start dpsing (if they try to cast GP - you invis before the cast can go off, from there you should win, if they combust you spell steal - they will most often panic into trying to poly - thats when you use CS). If you get locked from arcane, you´ll die though. So when you engage a fire mage, after spell stealing - you do PM - AB x2, and fake cast with arcane missiles to bate out his CS.

A godlike firemage can CS you during spell steal, and to be frank - if they manage that, they kind of deserve to win.

Survival hunters, Destro locks, Unholy DK and DH are far worst machups as arcane imo.

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Also - the OP asked about self healing.
That was most likely a PVP talent - temporal shield. Essentially for 4 seconds, 100% damage received is turned into healing. so when you see your opponent pop temporal shield, don’t nuke him - wait for it to expire.

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Spell steal temp shield, an experienced fire mage (in this matchup) will probably not use it (against arcane) - they would be giving you it for free. Same as they dont combust if they dont have you in a poly/ring (after the first GP, they might also try to combust into clepto).

If the firemage is running clepto and times it in really well - it can get tricky, you either have to comitt to spell stealing - waisting GCD´s and taking damage, or fake casting into poly and resetting by stripping them clean, but if the fire mage times it in good, it can get tough. This is a situation that I would use temp shield as an arcane to soak the damage before I can get rid of combust.

I´m running prismatic cloak, due to Destro locks and fire mages - so even if things turn bad, you could always blink the GP/CB so that you only take 50% damage.

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