explain the character above your background by looking at there name, class, race and transmog.
[OOC: sounds cool! I like the idea.]
Rush gives Maganas a cursory, perhaps even flippant look and begins speaking without much forethought.
“Let me guess: you sacrificed everything, right? That seems like a given for your type, and not just your eyes. I’m gonna go further. You elfies live a long time, so maybe you even had kids at one point, but not now. Killed by the Legion? Separated by war? Maybe…” He slows down and hesitates, choosing his words carefully. “…maybe they disagreed with the choice you made, and so you be estranged. Probably the same for any partners you may have had.
“Now? I look at those empty eyeholes and I wonder, can you relax? Vengeance might have made you who you be now. When does it end? When do you rest?”
“By looking at your… simple… clothing and style, I would say you are a member of the Darkspear who has been advocating for their rights and the Horde’s honor throughout everything. You are a soldier whose loyalty to the idea of the Horde as a honorable faction is so set, no one would be able to change your mind. You have such respect for that mindset that anyone who would dare say otherwise would face your “honorable rage and fury”. Were your parents the ones who placed that faith in you? Or was it a certain meeting or specific ocurence? I cannot say but what I do know is that you are simple minded, though you do not look weak of spirit. How commendable.”
“You are a mage who has been studying the void but prefers to use arcane magic. You are fine with whatever faction you are in because you just want to belong somewhere and all that switching from alliance to horde or vice versa is annoying now. Or at least that’s how I think void elves in general feel like. You seem like a calm personality, and also you look really intelligent. You are probably a bit worried right now because the whispers of the old gods are getting more and more instense .”
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