Exploding Heads

I have two ideas to improve assassination rogue:

  1. There should be a talent that is like Sanguine Blades
    (more bleed dmg above 50% energy), but for vanish cd reduction.

Something like:

“While above 50% of maximum Energy, the cooldown of Vanish is reduced by an additional 2 seconds every second”

  1. From a gameplay mechanic standpoint, Sudden Demise (enemies bleeding out below 35% health) is one of the coolest abilities this game has ever seen. But visually it’s not spectacular enough.

I recommend that the head of the affected character explodes like a blood tick when Sudden Demise kicks off. Maybe add some new mechanic to make it even cooler:

Bloody Mess: “Enemies in the area of the exploded head wander disoriented and take 30% more bleed damage for 3 seconds.”

Please confirm that the changes are understood and implementable. Thanks.


Ooooh, I really like the gruesome animation idea for Sudden Demise :slight_smile: Good idea man

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