Exploiting/abusing party sync!

Readying some of the reactions how people are defending this is quite funny. You guys are probably the one enjoying the easy way of pvping against under geared people.

Furthermore, the scaling is not balanced enough. The fully geared 120 characters are still overpowered. If the scaling was balanced like it should be and not twice our health etc. In that case I would not mind.

I bought new lvl 230 items from the auction house to even the odds at lvl 112. Didn’t matter at all.

The scaling system in WoW really sucks. We need something like in ESO.

Edit: I know that essences etc. are disabled. Nonetheless, the scaling is bad. Not only is it almost impossible to kill those guys. They also hit like a truck. One/two shots and I am down with all my defenses up!!

You just should use trinkets that give passive stats. Like main stat + secondary stat, no proc or on-use effects. Though there are a few trinkets with proc effects that still work in party sync.

Also, I tried this on my BM hunter, I did much more damage overall than others.

Where did you get that information on the double health and stuff?

This is me getting scaled to level 100 from 120 with another lvl 100 in group:


There’s a 1k hp difference.

The stats:

scaled lvl120 lvl100
Prim. Stat 701 831
Stamina 779 732
Crit 131 140
Haste 131 135
Mastery 131 110
Versatility 131 78
Total 524 463

Keep in mind this is an epic geared lvl 120 and a blue/green geared lvl 100.

The scaling definetly has it’s problems, but not the ones that you claim it has.

They actually can’t, because the way the scaling works, all the secondary stats are the same.

Even the trinkets, didn’t know that. So they’re even worse than I thought.

in shadowlands ur a fresh 60 u can craft ur self blue gear whats like 10 ilvl lower then end game mystic gear whats redicolus. deffetly if the crafted gear has gem slot and mystic has not ?

So bentic 2.0 ? this time u craft it self .


The priest can cast a shield that is almost 1/2 of his health. Nice scaling down. This team comp was 1/3 lvl 120 not all are shown on the list right above.

If what OP says is true and not a bold-faced lie for no reason… then how come when I introduce a friend to the game and party sync to quest with them, my only abilities are ones I’d get if I was lvl 60?
Curiouser and curiouser, all of my azerite gear, necklace and corrupted gear also have big red texts saying “Disabled while in party sync”, and all of my high level quests are red, stating I’m “too low level”.
All of my secondary stats (along with primaries, naturally) have also dropped down to ridiculously low percentages, despite the fact I normally have like 40% mastery for example.

It’s almost as if OP is lying to make their point more interesting. After all, if it was a thread complaining about the DKs and DHs in Party Sync it wouldn’t be unique and there would be zero need to make a new thread. DK and DH in party sync are an already known issue that everyone agrees is nuts (because sync doesn’t know what a lvl 60 DK/DH looks like so it doesn’t know how many abilities to take away). But a non-controversial, truthful thread doesn’t cause any arguments, which I guess was the real goal here in the end.

Lmao, have you hit your head? Take a look at the picture I have put the link of here.
Why would I lie, idiot:).

Here again another proof:
14k one hit while my health is max 47k and his is 75k.

Dumbass people here, because you don’t agree with something doesn’t mean the other is lying. The scaling at lvl 110-119 differs from the scaling at lvl 60.

Furthermore, I love it how a GM answers to stupid funny most but not to serieus posts like this. I think the title isn’t clear enough. People are exploiting this issue and it needs a fix asap! Free honor points and marks of honor!

We see very little from this, all we know is u get hit for 14k. U both should have berserking, which will mean he does more and u take more. He should have used all his CDs and u had other dmg increase befus on you. Heck he should be full socketed/minmaxed twink.

Maybe because they dont think its that important? U lost BG cuz someone hsd more dmg than you, cool, move on

I don’t mind losing a game, but there is clearly an issue here. And I understand that a lot of players do not want this to be fixed and call me a liar because they like to abuse stuff like this. To feel overpowered and one shot everything on their way.

What’s the fun in pvping against overpower people? If I had the same chances at getting over powered, which is at level 120, then it is okay. But at the moment there is an issue and I don’t know if Blizz knows it but the scalling sucks! And I hope that the people them self who go as 120 and one shot everything come here and explain that this is not okay and needs a fix.

Its same on 120 tho, full 475 char can buly everyone with 400 ilvl that just dinged, heck ive had BGs where my teammates had 2070 ilvl… U think they stood chances against enemy? Should we call this exploiting of gear?

Wow is an rpg, where character progresion means something ( used to be better) so yea, there isnt fun playing against someone who got 3 times better gear but thats psrt of game. If u wanna fair play without any effort put into game go play moba or something else.

Ye, someone actualy might come and tell you that 120s in 19s BGs are stronger, but no way as strong and immortal as u make them…

I know it’s an RPG and I don’t mind people being overpowered. Read what I said, if I have the same chance at being overpowered then it’s okay. But how it is at the moment I am sure it is not supposed to be. People are literally exploiting this issue.

There are more and more lvl 120 at the BG’s. If it was 1 or 2 players it won’t impact the game that much. But lately every BG had 4-6 level 120 players. People are exploiting this issue. Why would you go as a 120 to a BG of 110-119? While it’s a few levels away from BG’s with only 120. Because you can exploit this and one shot everyone.

The thing is you keep saying how the scaled characters are so much stronger and have way more HP.

I have tested scaling my lvl 120 char down and I just don’t have any more HP than the character in my group. The stats are also set to a set value, so equip doesn’t really matter at all. I would even argue that you have an disadvantage when scaled down, since all your secondary stats are the same. You can’t target a specific stat like you could normally.

Sorry but I just doubt that the other warrior has that much more HP than you. The only explanation I can think of would be his battlemaster trinket that gives temp. health. But then again most active/proc trinket effects (or all of them?) are disabled while scaled down, so I think he shouldn’t be able to use it.

A critical strike of a Mortal Strike for 14k damage doesn’t seem too unlikely for me either (assuming he stacked up Overpower first).

Maybe I’ll get around to do a BG while “abusing this bug” tomorrow so I can check if I’m really as overpowered as you claim, but right now I just don’t buy it.

Nobody is defending it though just telling you how it works so stop assuming and projecting .

No his health was the whole match 75k, so probably not a trinket. I understand that you are not buying this and I am glad that you are going to give it a shot yourself! Would love to hear your experience, and hopefully you can give us all a beter understanding of this.

Ps. Try a at least a few matches and bring a few other 120’s and let me know how it feels!
Pss. Try 110-119 BG’s.

Party Sync is a sweet idea, allowing people to level with their friends who are much lower level than them, but it should never have been enabled in competitive environments. Open world, basic dungeons and stuff, sure go nuts, but anywhere else it just shouldn’t be a thing.

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One of the biggest factors is that many 110-119 players don’t gear up all their slots, they usually want to blow past this bracket so gear isn’t important.

It is if you want to PvP.

It’s possible for a lower leveled player to exceed these psynced 120s in all stats if they invest in getting gear.

The time limited events make you even stronger as they drop even higher gear for a limited time but there is more information here and some characters who speak from experience.
It seems like 110-119 is the only bracket left where you can effectively twink still. P sync’d 120’s would be food even.

I did gear up. I was level 112 and bought trinkets armor and weapons of level 230 to even the odds. Furthermore, I had 2 pieces of azerite gear and the necklace. And was working to get the 3rd piece of azertite gear. Didn’t work. Gearing won’t help that much.

But thanks for sharing that post!

It’s frustrating that Blizzard has been ignoring this, because I am not the first one mentioning it. But again we are talking about Blizzard. Pretending everything is fine while the ship is sinking. Maybe they can add it at least to their to-do list and let us know they will look into it.

They have shown from their past actions that these kind of situations are not something they really want to be around (I’m assuming this because they removed the effectiveness from twinking multiple times).

You see in this thread players at 119 with 373 ilvl, much of this equipment is timegated to 1-2 times a year so it is considerably more effort than psyncing.

At 112 I could understand why you struggle a bit, in all the lower level bgs it can be unbalanced like this, 9 levels is quite large particularly when leveling (for abilities) but also like other expansions, when you start closing in on those last 5 levels, gear starts to get so much better. Problem here is that it’s a lot of effort for something that is not going to last anyway, you will outlevel the content unless you decide to cap and farm trial bgs around 110-119.

I can see them changing it or shadowlands will indirectly do so. I kinda feel like these lower level brackets will always be a nightmare tho, unless they go into templates or something like Korraks, which I’m not against at all for lower bracket pvp.