Explored maps/Achievement - bug Drainor/Pandaria

In Pandaria and Drainor my main basicly sees the whole map - but there are no markings at the achievment ingame.

I cant even Re-explore it. Am I the only one?

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Many achievements are currently bugged.

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You also can’t progress at all on some achievement such as the meta achievement from sl, the covenant stuff like kyrian and venthyr is bugged and you don’t get the credit for doing stuff.

I’d recommend to not do the kind of achievement that require specific (and or insane farm) and or unique item so it will be potentially lost and never be able to do them on your char (except if they can reverse the entire problem but tbh I rather not take the risk haha).

Just saying hope this help.

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At this point, Blizz can set all areas as “Explored” prior to DF/TWW for every char.
Would be an easy solution with basicly no negive side effects.

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Yep, me too. Every single zone exploration achivement isn’t completable now

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