Extend Brewfest by 4 days please

As the title says, the quests “Barking for Brewfest” were bugged until the weekly reset for Horde. I humbly ask for you to extend this prestigious event by 4 days, the grand total of days we missed out on those dailies by!


I second this motion!

:slight_smile: would be nice

You should have started earlier.

It is even worse. The mount that cost 600 coins was there in 2007. In 2008 it was moved to be a drop only (for alliance).

That year - 2007 - when the mount was in the game. Daily barking quest payed 40 tickets/coins and not 15 as today. Also keg run was 3 for each keg, not 2 as today. And the one-time quest Elekk on parade was working (that gave 40 tickets/coin). Blizzard reduced the coins when they removed the ram. When they put the ram back this year (into the 2008 brewfest template), they forgot to adjust coins…


in hordes case they will do it because you are all commie bois

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Barrels to Brewfest - keg run - resets on a personal timer. I think it’s 18 hours; not 24 at laest I did it yesterday around 7 pm. and can do it again now. So you migth be able to do an extra run in the coming week by timing it rigth :wink:

I would really appreciate extending the Brewfest for at least 2 days or more (regarding barking quest issues)

Reducing the price from 600 to 550 Brewfest Tokens for the stamp for Horde Players is something i also would consider because of the very unfair advantage in alliance ram racing tokens per day…

I support this aswell,i didnt bother with getting any tokens since the stamp wasnt at the vendor since day 1.

And today 9.15 am. it’s available again (“now” in the above ctiation being around 1 pm). 18 hours max reset time. Go for an extra run!
But we still need an extension or something else done, what with Quests not working (Hporde barking), all Quests giving fewer tokens (barking, keg run), or not being in-game at all (elekks, wolpertinger).

I totally agree that brewfest should be extended, atleast on horde side since the quests were bugged and alot of us put in time to farm brewfest coins for the mounts.

For Ally too as all quests in the 2008 edition give less tokens than the 2007 edition, which was not implemented - only the Handstamp from 2007 added.
And also for all of us Wolpertinger and Elekk quests missing in EU.

Agreed, it should be extended by at least another week. I personally got both the mount and the brewers club since I didn’t skip any days as Alliance, but especially Horde really did get shafted by Blizzard incompetence yet again.


A lot of people are sitting here with hundreds of coins since the posted end date is two days from now


Yes, i just logged in because i wanted to ram race and get it done today 2x times…

Leaving me on the end of the 5th with enough 600 tokens for the stamp…

But its just gone…

I cant believe it, what a mess

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can you please check today’s date and the date stated here:

think before you post

Your hindsight is really good, now see when I actually posted that. 8 DAYS AGO.

true, my bad, sorry
I wasn’t even thinking about checking the date.
I didn’t use official forums for a while and I honestly didn’t expect it would to be so dead, there would be a over a week old threat on 1st page
I guess blizzard actually managed to kill the community for good with their lack of communication rendering the forums useless

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