Extra Action Button Stuck After New Campaign Questline - Cannot Progress Other Quests

Hi everyone,

I’m encountering a serious issue after completing the new campaign questline that was recently released. The extra action button, specifically the spell Arc Emitter (ZZ-01-47), is now permanently stuck on my UI.

I’ve tried all the possible solutions I could think of:

  • Relogging
  • Restarting the game
  • Dying in-game
  • Swapping talents
  • Deleting the cache folder
  • Running the WoW repair tool

Unfortunately, nothing has worked, and the button won’t go away. This is causing a major problem because whenever I pick up a new quest or do a world quest that requires an extra action button, I don’t get a new one since the old one is still there. As a result, I can’t complete those quests, which is really hindering my progress.

I’ve reported this in-game as a bug, but this issue is critical, and I’m hoping someone here might have encountered something similar and found a fix. Does anyone have any suggestions or workarounds?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!


Same. Been stuck with it since last night.

Same. Been stuck since last night.

I queued for arena and the button was gone


That worked. Thank you!

I had the same issue. The workaround with queueing solved the issue for me too. Thank you!

queuing arena fixed for me also

queuing arena fixed it for me thanks buddy

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