Extra professional points left over. Now what

Hia folks. Now that I’ve finished all mining branches, I’m still getting points. I now have 6 extra professional points left over, and nowhere to put them. Am I supposed to simply ignore them, or do they have some use?

You should have read the patch notes last week : the NPC of the Consortium will now buy Knowledge Points and give you Artisan’s Mettle for them excess point.

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“Patch notes”? :smiley:

Thanks for the head’s up. I don’t think I have any use for that, but who knows…

Well, the Mettles are used for the Insights, so maybe …

But at least there’s something to do with the “overfill” of Knowledge now !

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On dual gatherers you can use them for secondary stat phials (not a major gain, but bettern than nothing) or max out your profession equipment, if you haven’t already.
Or you could support an alt with recrafting orders.

A way to transfer to other characters would be nice…

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