Extreme low fps in Amirdrassil raid

Extremely low fps only while in the new raid Amirdrassil, Dream’s hope.

In outside world, regardless of zone, even Valdrakken I’m always rocking approx 80-350fps. Not using separated raid-graphics settings.

Computer used:

  • Win11 Newest update
  • 1440p with Free sync premium
  • Amd 5900X
  • 32gb ram
  • 6900XT
  • 1Kw power supply platinum
  • Dx12 with graphics settings at 7

But while in Amirdrassil raid, my fps is 5-20. In any other raid, it works flawlessly.

When going in the Raid, i’ve noticed that GPU’s powerDraw goes down from 280W to merely 80W-90W even when force overclocked.

I’ve tested the following:

  1. 3 different graphic drivers after removing old with DDU
  2. With addons / without addons
  3. Underlock / overlock both cpu and gpu
  4. Different profiles for cpu and gpu
  5. with/without xmp
  6. Different graphics settings in game
  7. Dx11/Legacy/dx12
  8. Disabled all graphics card features from Amd Adrenaline, tried one by one.
  9. Update drivers from chipset, wifi, lan, etc. etc.

I noticed there was another ticket about BlackScreen when starting game, i had that too so i wont mention more about that. What fixed that for me before was reboot, but after that it hasn’t worked. Just randomly starts working at some point. But result is High fps everywhere else, except Amirdrassil raid.

Any tips would be appreciated :slight_smile:

I really would like to see that :wink:

There is a bug with the seasonal quest, have you abandoned that?
It causes FPS drops in dungeons and raids somehow.

Thanks buddy. I will try that out. I indeed have the Pilgrims bounty quest in QL, including the TW seasonal one. I’ll abandon them and try :+1: If you want proof of the fps I’m willing to upload image for you, but don’t know if that is allowed in the forums. I haven’t used forums since launch of wow hehe.

Well there you have it :smiley:

It’s ok, nevermind.

You are MVP. In mythic at the moment, and zero fps issues. Man that is a weird one.! :smiley:

thx! I love u mate!

is there anyone who can tell me what the name of the seasonal quest, im quit new and have the same issue

I believe he’s referring to the Pilgrims Bounty Quests.

U mean The Power of Dreams?

No the pilgrim stuff :slight_smile:

I don’t have it because I completed achievs few years ago. I changed CPU from i5-4460 to i5-10400 and I see no difference in raid. It’s still horrible.

Can you be more specific? Define horrible.
What kind of FPS are you getting? Raid size and difficulty?
Addons up to date? Weakauras too?
Have you tried without addons?

What does the rest of your hardware look like?

This alone should almost double the FPS in a raid / CPU-limit.

Dude. Stop asking really stupid questions. I’m aware of such obvious things. It’s definitely poor game performance. It seems nothing changed since DF prepatch.

As you wish mylord :slight_smile:

litterally for like 10 seconds when tendral sageswift roots everyone most of my raid group goes to 0 fps fix the game ffs

Same here, it’s a huge problem with the game itself, the engine is just badly coded.
I’m at 140 FPS out of combat, dropping to about 60 FPS in combat. And when the roots get casted during the fight I drop to 10 FPS for a solid 3-5 seconds of slideshow.

Running the game at 1920x1080 on an i7-8700k, 16GB DDR4, RTX 3070 Ti, so that should more than cover requirements.
Even disabling all addons, dropping quality on everything to Low doesn’t improve it.

litterally got removed from my guild raid because we had to prune members to lower the amount of roots so we could actually get past the first phase, i have a 4060, a amd ryzen 5700x 16gigs of ram and i cant do anything, litterally ruining the game

Both sound to me like an addon or weakaura issue from some or maybe all of your raid comp.
In my old guild, we had that several times in the past expansions too in progress raids till we figured out which addon /wa was causing it.

That’s because of the severe cpu-limit in the engine.
There is no way to improve that except getting a better CPU or well… Blizzard revamping the engine from it’s core (ain’t gonna happen because of money :slight_smile: ).

Yeah like i said, sometimes everyone in the raid has to disable that one buggy addon.
And sometimes it’s really a boss coding issue.
Which in this case it is not because i and others did not have any problems when doing that boss.
Also when you look at the streamers from the world first race etc, they did not have those 0 FPS freezes.
But yes the FPS will drop in general on effects like this because everything has to be calculated in that moment and then on top people are aoeing down the roots which in turn increases the calculations by a large margin (combatlog, addons like nameplates, debuffs especially etc).

And u’re still trying XD u’re really sad man.

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