Extremely High Latency


For the last two days I’m experience extremely high latency, to the point of making the game unplayable. When I log in it usually starts at around 200ms, but keeps increasing to 1000ms or above, at some point the game becomes unresponsive.

I’ve run all the usual tests and in all cases the issue seems to be originated at these IP addresses:


Which seem to be on Blizzard’s side if the information on the internet is accurate.
I’ve also tried all the usual steps suggested in the support website, restarted router several times, etc. everything to make sure that is nothing on my computer side.
And all other services or games I’ve tested worked fine, I’ve only had the issue with WoW.

Any chance that someone can take a look at this issue?



Same issue for me, and started last friday as well.
Also restarted and resetted my router, pc, etc.

Game is working fine and all of a sudden there’s a (small) spike on world latency, to the point where, even if it’s 200ms, the game just stops responding to my inputs.
Can’t even exit the game through the client and have to alt f4.

Home latency is always stable and working properly, no issues chatting.

It usually happens a few minutes after logging in, but might also happen when entering an instance, or just changing zones (leaving Valdrakken or trying to enter the Zaralek Cavern, for example).
Restarting the game sometimes fixes it.

Browsing the web, using discord, watching twitch/youtube, everything works fine.
So far, it’s just WoW I’m having issues with.

Any help is appreciated.

same issue, apparently resolved 5 mins ago disableing the load out of date addons, from over 1000 ms to 30. Now i’m trying to understand which addon was the cause, enabling one by one.

For me, it happens even without any addons enabled.

Yes, same for me, I’ve completely disabled all addons and the latency still is through the roof (3889 ms).

Chiming in here - we’re not seeing any issues from our side, but there are a couple of different things in this thread that would be good to know.

To start with the two hosts mentioned in the original post - they deprioritise ping requests, which can lead to wild numbers showing up. This is normal. Once a connection hits the first of our servers, everything after that can basically be ignored. We have internal monitoring that keeps an eye on all of that.

As for addons, just hitting disable on those wouldn’t be enough to rule them out. As Aggratise noticed, updating can help, or failing that, temporarily outright removing them from your game client. It simply involves renaming some folders so you don’t lose any settings or configs you had, but it plays an important role in ruling out their interference.

Thanks for your response!
Unfortunately, I renamed the forementioned folders and logged back in, but the issue still persists.

I’m having the exact same issue since friday. Extremely hig latency (world ms go from 300 up to 1500) at random intervals. Seems to appear the most when changing layers (instances, entering zaralek, moving to Valdrakken from any other place). I’ve tried everything under the sun (uninstalling addons, dns flush, router, computer virus check, speedtests, restarts, WTF folder and so on) and nothing seems to help.
More people from my guild are having the exact same issue and we are not being able to play or prepare for next week and it’s getting really frustrating.
Please, would be nice to get some help, its just not a 1 person thing, there’s something clearly going on.

I completely removed all addons, still the same issue.
However, I did try to rename the WTF and Cache folders (WTFOld, CacheOld) and now seems back to normal.
Dunno if that fixed it or if it’s just a coincidende.

UPDATE: Nevermind, after changing areas the latency appeared again, from los 30s to 700ms. So renaming the folders and entirely removing all addons dind’t work either.

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