Eye beam shouldn't be interruptible

It seems like an oversight that our main damage ability especially for certain talents is interruptible as a melee class. No other melee class has to deal with this. Monk equivalent Fists of Fury is not interruptible and it’s even usable while moving.


Stun then use it? lol

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Monk is better than us in every way right now, the two can’t really be compared and it goes way deeper than eyebeam vs FoF. DH needs an entire rework from the ground up, but that’s a whole new thread entirely. As for eyebeam being interruptable? good. if they are kicking my eyebeam then they’ve wasted a kick that really should be going on my healer.

Funny enough a lot of DKs are begging for reworks too.

Kinda ironic that the two Hero Classes are the biggest dumpster fire.

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