Eye of Tyr

Does this spell work at all or what is the purpose of it? for now it is just another step to use Templar talent tree skill but it does not do anything at all alone. It should do AoE damage but I have never seen it hit anyone even when surrounded by enemies

It does a lot of damage and reduces the damage you take for 8 seconds.

6s duration, it was nerfed. Also it still does dmg it’s just the icon that shows up on msbt is for hammer of the light if you have templar instead of eye of tyr, but it’s there on details as EoT

Ye thats the issue. I was surrounded by enemies, not a single one were hit for the said ammount. I did get the buff to guard damage, but zero damage was done

install a dps meter, it literally does do dmg lmao

I have it. That is why I am here saying there is problem with it. I have submitted ticket of it also

the devs wont lift a finger to deal with fun specs they want you to support the 1% at the top playing something you don’t like instead of the thing you like.

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