Eyebrow Customization for Blood/Void/High Elves

Hi, I was wondering if we could get customizable eyebrows for Blood/High/Void Elves?

Both Nightborne and Night Elves have an option for shorter less cartoonish eyebrows:


I know that many people love the look of our eyebrows right now, but I’m just asking to have smaller eyebrows as an option. :slight_smile:


Now is the time to ask and it would be good to have more options!


I’m fine with my long eyebrows, it does make us stand out. Couldn’t imagine having a short one… even the thought is funny a little bit :joy::joy:

Pretty nelf above :heart_eyes:

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Blood/void elf’s don’t have eyebrows,those are whiskers.


You get my vote i do mine irl so i like to be able to do them ingame :slight_smile:

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My eyebrows really need to be controlled please let us pluck/trim/change them thank you .

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