F for Forsaken. We had a good run guys

How about you stop seeing Sylvanus as all the Forsaken were about? She didnt give a monkeys about you. Get a new leader, man up and move on.


How exactly was she supposed to “care” for them considering the situation on the ground? That’s like saying Dalai Lama doesn’t care about Tibet. You are strongly ignoring facts of actual situation.

Calia is arguably the best candidate to lead forsaken from the lore perspective. Forsaken are Lordearonians. She is the daughter of their last king. It’s just that forsaken are written as a bad teenager who just discovered black metal so god forbid their racial leader is someone who isn’t edgy

Not really. What else to expect from human paladins.

Not all of them.

Keep your entitlement to yourself please. You just support the idea of it because you know undead fans would suffer from it.

Royal entitlement is not a leadership quality. Leaders by choice are always better than leaders by plot device and monarchies systems.


That was a half butted retcon to make Calia happen. Not because it was a natural progression.

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Didn’t realise Blizzard planned this as far back as Vanilla.


They really didn’t. If you play classic quests now you know, that they were always like this. “forsaken are good, Sylvanas is just mean!” simply doesen’t work out if you know more sources than just Golden books and bfa.

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Actually even in Golden’s last book they mention it if I recall correctly. But yeah, people want to pretend that it’s always been so and what happened was not the biggest character assassination-type bumpull move of all WoW.


What has that got to do with Sylvanas’s change in character?

She was lying from the start about the plague and testing people (including her own Forsaken) with it. The plague was meant to be a cure for the Curse of Undeath…

That doesn’t come across as “caring” to me.

  1. Ad hominem is not an argument, try again.

  2. Not all of them, but a vast majority of them. No nation in the world is 100% one same people, so again, I don’t see how does this witty comment provide anything to the discussion as it is understood that no community is 100% homogenous

3)I support this idea because I want someone in real life to suffer? Wow, maybe you should cool off on the “J’accuse!” cool aid

4)I completely agree with you. Its just that this is a fantasy game, not a real world. To the best of my knowledge nobody is advocating democracy atm. And also, I was talking about legitimacy, not legality. Also, you should probably google constitutional parliamentary monarchies before you make outlandish statements

You can care by finding a final solution for the decaying. Like using Eyir for example. For some reason blizzard threw out this idea and and now it’s just mustache twirling. We always knew sylvanas is evil.

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So the fact that she lied for years about the cure she was working on and instead made a biological super weapon to kill both the living and the dead means nothing? It was all for the greater good?

And I forgot enslaving Eyir for her own means is actually her being good, lol.

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I didn’t say anything about being good. That was just you :wink:

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Getting ahead of myself there, my bad.

Getting back to it, Sylvanas’s character has always had her not caring about anyone besides herself and her goals. That part has never changed about her.


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