[F-H] <Grimaltiorem>

I see you gather before me… lost, gloomy and withnout direction…

To believe in an ideal, is to be willing to betray it. It is something that we are capable of.

Through Power, we seek to always find news ways to influence our world and that is true lesson for this day, we have been bind to Light for so many years that in the end we have been Forsaken and our faith has been shaken. For this very reason we are able to give in trust to ideology we were never think of… Forgotten Shadows

I offer you a teaching that will change your existence to ground.
Join me and together we will uncover lost teaching and its own mystery.

Those of you who wish to follow me we shall form a order which will be called Grimaltiorem


  • Name: Grimaltiorem
  • Theme: Forgotten Shadows, Politics and Defence of our people. - Semi-military + PvP.


  • Warrior - Deathguards
  • Priest - Apothecaries/Disciple of Shadows
  • Rogue - Deathstalkers
  • Mage - Dark Casters
  • Warlock - Disciple of Shadows/Ritualist/Dark Casters

Why do I want this to happend? Because I wish to find friends for long run, I want make this classic experience unique for me and others. I wish be better at story telling and if possible tell a story worth while.

Only thing I expect from you is to be capable of social interactions, be active and have good mood. Rest will come with time-means frist I wish build a core foundation of our guild then began with active RP, until then we shall gain more strenght and lvl up.

Thanks for your time and if you are interested w/me ingame or say it bellow.
PS: I want to thank you Alexarius Deathblade for his teaching over past years.

Best regards,


Awesome guild concept! Can’t wait to see you guys in full force :slight_smile: Good luck, I hope you get this guild off the ground.

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I was thinking that RP at classic is bad joke… that everyone will stay at retail for RP… But past few days I see many promising guilds. I wish ya good luck lass.

Sounds good sadly, I playing a Warrior orc so I can not join. Good luck.