Can each shard have equal horde and alliance players? Maybe with some kind of tolerance, meaning that we should not be aiming for the exact number of players. If there are more players from one faction in War Mode, there will be /a shard/s where there is going to be nobody from the other. The system should stimulate the balance in some way.
Much more complicated than that but something like that?
When one side has far more people in WM than the other, what do you do with the excess?
secundary faction is horde
I mean there are MANY shards where alliance overwhelmingly outnumber the horde.
Just let players opt in to mercenary mode with the least played faction.
Or introduce a darksoul’s like covenant system.
there are many solutions, as it stands Warmode is delivering less than half it’s potential imo.
What I’ve experienced so far, is that we usually outnumber Horde in mechagon, at least in shards I’m in, and that Horde heavily outnumbers us in Nazjatar.
Shards, go figure.
Put them in a shard where there is nobody from the other faction.
They recently had to nerf the PvP event in Nazj so that it doesn’t spawn on most shards because there are so few shards with any kind of balance. That is then thrown off because the Horde all form raid groups to invite others so that they can actually take part in the event that they’ve now made rare.
I have not heard of shards where Alliance outnumber the Horde, unless they are doing what I described above in reverse. They are not the norm or the percentage buff bonus that the Alliance get wouldn’t exist.
I do not know the Covenant system. How does that work? If it’s possible to give simple explanation
It time to enforce it, to get my rare kills for rep I ahd to turn it off, everyday I get put into shards where either stuff is tagged or Horde just spawn in on them or supply caches… Yes I use raids now to get my supply caches. This is ridaclous. In the 1 hour and 15 minutes I did I killed majority of rares in Mechagon for a change alongside all quest.
Basically have multiple sub-factions that you pledge your allegiance to.
and you fight for them.
I’ve had a couple of WM shards were it’s full alliance and had one where we got camped at our base, the lag was so bad that you couldn’t even play.
I think Warmode has great potential it’s just that it’s getting soo many restrictions for no reason.
One of the many reasons the timeless isles were fun was because you could solo vs the whole world.
I also think grouping is ruining things for a lot of players, while in a perfect circumstance for MMOs you’d want to encourage grouping up, in this incident it’s always 5 or more groups of people stomping lone players or destroying the whole shard.
And when there are more than 20 people servers can’t hold up and fighting against groups is basically a lag until you die thing.
I think blizzard should either upgrade servers to be able to hold up raids vs raids and let groups have their own shards, or just limit grouping such that you can’t be more than 5 people and let 3-5 man groups join a 3-5 man group shard where small scale battles can happen.
There is also the issue of people in WM who don’t even want to Pvp, they are there literally for the bonus, which is a huge reason why WM sucks and is often skewed, because you get shards where one faction just wants to quest and actively ignores pvp, while the other has a group hunting down lonely questers.
Yes, but grouping is what you want to see in MMOs.
There can be no problem with that.
The normal thing, in my opinion, would be to prioritize groups and match them against each other.
So lets say the Alliance has 1 raid group and the Horde has 4 and a shard can hold 100 players. You put the Alliance raid + 60 randoms vs 2 raids from the Horde so you have 100 vs 80 at the end.
With the other 2 raid groups you do pretty much the same. 1 raid + 40 randoms vs 100 randoms.
You try to balance this relationship. Which you cant really because randoms dont necessarily fight but organized players do.
This is why you prioritize group players and try to match them against grouped players as much as you can.
When you have done the best of that, you balance grouped vs ungrouped.
This is for shards.
For events,
I dont know why we are not using the old Wintergrasp system.
Sign up for the event, and balance the number of participants around the faction with lower number of participants?
Both my suggestions are going to leave players with nobody to match them on the other side. This is normal in many ways.
First, the players that are in “good” shards will be many more than the players in shards with nobody against them. So the majority of the players will have good experience.
The players in the “bad” shards can be in some sort of a hidden queue for a “good” shard. So everything is going to be fine.
For solutions, there are always drawbacks. Players don’t like other players appearing and disappearing. This already happens in current wm, but I don’t notice it too much. With a queue system and extra forced balancing for zones, we are gonna see an increase in players appearing and disappearing = more forum complaints.
When you look at drawbacks of other solutions, current system’s drawbacks seems ok in comparison, and it works well enough. It strikes a balance between faction balance, and players appearing/disappearing.
Both factions have equal opportunity to create raids. If too unbalanced raids get kicked to another shard. System right now is a least worst solution.
How do you know we are going to see an increase?
Just remove LFG raids from world pvp. You form a raid? You are in your own shards until you reach a raid objective, like a summoning stone or a world boss. The only thing that causes this huge imbalance is LFG raids and people hopping to them.
Havent we learned that removing something from the game doesnt fix the problem?
People join raid groups because they are fun. You cant just remove that.
Why are you making a generalization? You are one of those people that have fun by corps camping 3-5 people in a 40 man group? That’s fine and dandy, but you also create possibly the worst 15 minutes of game time for those 5. It’s almost the same as letting 10 man grand marshal raids play vs solo players in RBGs. It will be pretty hilarious for them until nobody will want to partake in it.
OK, excuse my wording and I will excuse your assumption.
Some people find raid groups fun. Better?
This does not change the fact that players like raid groups.
The problem you are describing comes from the fact that there is so too little to do, in my opinion.
If there were more people, the raids would not camp 3-5 people.
If there were more active zones, it would be rarer to get donked like that.
So its all about the density of the population (imo).
This tear goes to all donked players, including myself.
On a serious note though, what are 15 minutes in WoW? You have 15 120s and complain about 15 bad minutes
It’s a game, bro. Sometimes you lose.
I don’t get the last part of your paragraph. I mean, why would you describe how fighting 5 vs 40 feels? The point of my post was that we need to be fighting 40 vs 40.
Because it’s not instanced PVP. You will never fight 40 vs 40. You will always fight 40 vs 1 because everybody will just jump to another shard, to fight 40 vs 1. There is nothing stopping you from doing this. If I minded losing I wouldn’t play in warmode. I mind a 40 man raid spawning from thin air when I engage in a 5 vs 5 under a flag. I understand majority of people do not want a fair fight, they want their coins and that’s all. That’s not how you build a good game tho. I want to engage in actual PVP I can lose during the event. It is impossible and should be addressed. I am not saying it because I am loosing, but because If i want to win, I can just join a raid that says “Nazjatar WINNING”.
I thought you didnt like generalizations. Anyway, lets see what we have.
OK, I kinda agree with that as we know what 40 man raids are like. They are never in one place.
So for this reason I disagree with
I dont think you can jump from shard to shard with a raid group that easily. And I dont think there is raid shard jumping. Is there?
No… There is a whole pinned topic in the US forums about WPvP ethics. Go ahead and check it out.
What I really agree with is that we hate people disappearing from us when we are chasing them, and people appearing around us to chase us.
This is why I would prefer to have the old static realm structure but with Blizzard interfering in the balance of factions more.
Actually, I think that not having static realms hurts the RPG part of the game too much!
No, you misunderstood me. I exaggerated. Raids are not in one place, but when there is a 40 man raid, the side that doesn’t have it instantly gives up or searches for a raid, that obviously will be in a different shard. That’s what i mean. Victory is in LFG, not on the battlefield. It would be much better without raids spawning into shards and with just groups of people that are already there, even if you lose. Id rather fight 10 groups of 5 with 5 groups of 5 on my side, than 5 groups of 5 on my side vs a 40 man raid.
There will never be balance in wpvp as long there is premade group finder where people join farm groups,the end!
Sharding wount help with that,its the players.