Faction Change Horde>Aliance!

Faction Change Horde>Aliance ! i pay 100e !!!


I Would give at you a free change faction but only at One race: Troll Race :wink:


Much details. Deep concept. Wow!

when I asked for the long queue the whole Alliance replied “reroll, it’s against the game balance etc”


Reroll, its against the balance etc

I love how zugs never got the point, not suprising tbh, but cmon this is obvious

Noone is going to admit anything if that may result in shrinking of benefits, even if thouse are acquired at the expense of other players. In other words Horde cares only for their own expirience and when other side says “enough is enough” and dissapears they make surprised Picachu face asking why is there no Alliance in wPvP left and Warmode barren. Just look at retail part of the forum.

Why would you want to change to Alliance? Horde is getting everything they want. There’s no downsides anymore.

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Who care about wpvp?? The pvp in tbc Is the arena and battleground, and the fast queue make all this more fun and playable also at 4 am.
I dont understand why Blizzard have not done before that change

Some Horde does, others just use Warmode for pure bonuses, because they know they will not meet Alliance in sufficient numbers to pose a threat. PvP servers are in fact PvE, if you play for the Horde on retail. And they want for same to happen in Classic as well.

That’s retail mentality. Some people actually care about the real game, i.e. faction sense etc. But hey, it’s full speed ahead to retail 2.0.

No point in trying to save the othet faction now.
Game’s dying.

He was an Alliance player just when first HvH test was announced.

My oh my, HordeCrusade! Grats on you fast lvl 70! Blizzard boost to 58 or gold boost?

Did someone say money

You feel so much discriminated as ally? Oh nooo… Call Montessori

Did someone say poverty?

Actually wouldn’t surprise me if they did…Blizzard cares about the paper not their players so…

Who care about wpvp??

Obviousely not the people playing on PvE servers like Gandling.

Zug crying abou someone telling him the reality, green crybabies will never stop will they?

I would pay for a server merge …

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