Faction Change vs Character Boost

Hello lads!

In prep to SL I’d like to faction change my main from alliance to horde.
Obviously faction-changing is expensive and I have a boost available, I was just wondering what are the disavantages of using a boost to get a new monk compared to faction-changing her.

Obviously I wouldn’t have my 8.3 gear and gold but that’s not too important, are there any other stuff you can think of that I’d lose by creating a boost character rather than faction change ? (titles, mogs, mounts, anything…).

I am not sure what is account-wide and what is character-specific at this point.

If there’s a relevant post on the subject feel free to link !

Thanks :slight_smile:

Boost seems a no-brainer. Almost everything is account-wide.

There is very little that your new monk won’t have. There are a few titles that are not account-wide:

and some (many?) of those just get translated to an equivalent on your new faction.

There are mounts and some mogs that are faction-only, but that will be true whether you boost or transfer.

If your new monk is on the same realm, you can easily transfer gold across, less the AH fee, with the help of a friend, since you can’t buy your own auctions on the same account.

If you are not on the same realm, you can less easily transfer gold across, by buying, caging, and then un-caging and reselling pets on the new realm. But find out what you’re doing before you try; you could easily lose gold in the process if you make silly choices.

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