Faction change when?

Current reasons why people are crying;

Hate HVH
Hate bad racials
Hate long queue times

Fix? FACTION CHANGE… Ding Ding Ding

No more HVH
Want the meta racial? Go horde
Want fast queues? Go alliance


Literally faction change is coming in the next expansion anyway, just bring it a little early.

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Zugzuhs wants hvh so we are getting hvh, ally has no voice in it so deal with it


If they don’t bring at least a race change early i will unsub permanently.
No time to waste in bad racials…or to beginning again.

Didn’t you think ahead, though?

We all knew that WotLK Classic would come around, eventually. So everyone should have known what was “meta” throughout all “Classic expansions” from day one of Classic’s launch.

Choice matters.

I, however, just pick whatever I like looking at. Bad players with good racials will lose goal good players with bad racials 100% of the time.

Unless people change to horde then more of them.

But when they put HvH in permanently both side will have the fast queues.

why do people bother this much?
if you like the way this game is? Play it, if u don’t? then simply quit!
No point in crying with the words “I will unsub…”

And good players with good racials will win over good players with bad racials, so all good players flock to good racials side, undless some huge disadvantage discourages them to pick good racials.

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Oh, yeah. But keep in mind that the vast majority of players that you encounter are pretty bad. It’s not a biggie, unless you’re in that 1% of S-Tier PvPers.

Faction change gonna be available when Blizzard will need to pump up Q3 revenues.

Fine if you wish to look at this that way. Then bad player with good racials will win bad player with bad racials, because it is more impactfull and easy to press anti fear when feared and become immune to it. 15% stun resistance doesn’t even require doing anything at all, it is full auto.
You can misuse human racial, use Gnome escape artist in situation when it is too early and not critical to do so and dvarven racial needs to be used very precisely for it to give you maximum effect and that implies you knowing enemy class rotations when they unleashed too many poison, curse or bleed DoTs. Not that hard, but still not like nobrainer WotF or Hardiness.

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I hope so. Don’t care when they bring it but I have my cash ready

How come a racial that gives you less than 5% change in your DPS/Healing makes everyone cry so hard?

For example, Humans got free PVP trinket so? I don’t see anyone from the opposite faction whine about it.

So instead good racials, you want easy to use racials? Gotcha!

If I wanted that, I would write from Orc or Farsaken character, but alas I do not have anyone on Horde except lvl 2 mage to browse Horde AH on my second account.

You kinda based your argument around on how most of the alliance racials can be “misused” and that horde racials are “nobrainers” instead of taking a look on actually how good those alliance racials can be when used correctly. So yeah, I still kinda stick to my opinion there.

Even if they are used correctly they are still good, but not broken OP and have counterplay element. You can aggressively sap human (except rogue) reroot gnome and hit dwarf with direct spell damage he got nothing against. Alliance racials can also be replaced with paranoia, flare or stealth detection potion and priests can dispell roots. Draven racial is a combination of decursing, removing poisons and armor potions.

Stun resist is just there and you can only hope it doesn’t trigger and fear immunity is bad news for any priest/warlock/warrior opponent. And there are little to no alternatives to such racials.

Wouldnt mind to bring one of my Allies chars over to Horde side.

Changes have already started with boost and HvH so why stop now.

Its astonishing how you just belittle alliance racials and then again compare horde racials on situations where they outshine the alliance ones. Did you watch the current tbc 3v3 tournament, did you see which side the rmp players preferred? Thats right, alliance. Because human and dwarf racials are huge in certain matchups. Yes it surely can be annoying when an undead gets away from your warlock fear or when orc resists your stun, but its surely instawin when the enemy rmp saps your rogue and the fact that dwarf priests are semi immortal due to their op stoneform/desperate prayer combo doesnt make it any better.

Have you ever considered dwarfs might be semi op when the current meta in 2s is rogue/mage, which btw has no fear to begin with?

Tbh I wouldnt mind if one side just dried out, the game doesnt need and shouldnt depend on having 2 sides. It is funny how alliance are trying to blackmail horde people by not queing bgs and thinking itll make them roll alliance. Nah fam, itll only prove the point that HvA bgs are flawed and that HvH is an excellent change.

Nah Alliance is needed. Otherwise this game should be called Hordecraft instead.

Still gonna play Allie as mage but want to convert my Allie warrior to my original Horde Warrior from back in the day.