How about you, take your terrible forum-roleplay away?
We’re actually having a serious conversation.
Yes going for world ranks is kinda hard on Alliance. I never denied that though.
And that’s where we have to disagree. Your normal mythic raider doesn’t need to faction change only because the stronger players are Horde. Unless they want to go hardcore. The main difference between your point of view and mine, is that I don’t believe too many people actually want to go hardcore.
Truly disappointing.
Where’s the faction loyalty ?
It’s ironical that people change to be more competitive, while failing to realize that faction rivalry is also important.
I don’t think anything can fix that mentality to be honest.
From what I read in your post people only want to play the OP faction to put it simple.
You might change the problem to Alliance.
But than you will have to do the opposite for the Horde years after.
It’s like a boat where people refuse to stand in both sides to balance it.
Guess the only solution without merging factions is to force players to constantly change faction.
Well the last know statistic about Horde/Alliance ratio that was released before they shutdown the realmpop api was around 55/45. This would imply if there were not that many people who eventually wanted to hardcore raid around 45% of the top 2000 (it’s reasonable to say that guilds above top 200 are you average mythic guild) guilds would be Alliance.
Well let me tell you something they are NOT. As I mentioned the effect is already in motion. And you raiding, wanting to raid and not limiting your possibilities are three different things.
Let’s say you were given the opportunity to work as a cashier or a as a manager. Which one would you pick?
You would not pick the dead job, right?
Alright so let’s say factions are balanced. 50% horde, 50% alliance. If I want to look for another guild on that server 50% are already not an option for me unless I wanna pay 30 Euro for a faction change.
If I make a friend and find out they play wow there’s a 50% risk I can’t play with them because they wanted to play as a race that blizzard didn’t want to pair with my race.
The only thing we as players can do is to more or less collectively decide on one faction to gather in so we can all play together and have more options when looking for groups and teams.
For most of the world this became horde, in some regions it’s the same issue but everybody is alliance. Racials might be an issue that needs addressing but it’s certainly not the root cause of the faction imbalance.
This is a great fallacy that people need to stop already. Alliance racials are random procs unlike Horde ones, you have no control over your dps, when you need more DPS you can’t use your racial and boost your DPS for a specific part of a boss fight. So just stop with this wrong information.
If they revert Human racial changes and make it a trinket like it was in the past in SL Alliance will take back PvP community and if PvP gear don’t suck like it sucked in BfA there will be considerable number of players that wanna play Alliance.
Lastly, you can’t screw faction balance for 10 years via racials and then balance racials when one side is cancer and slowly dying. Alliance needs big advantages over Horde racials at this point not balance. All those pro Horde players can handle some disadvantage I’m sure, so no worries.
Ofcourse it’s usefull for advertising? And why’s that? Cause for most casual bystanders, the thing that stands out about this game is that it’s a world of warcraft. What do people think when they hear war? Opposing factions, rivalry, differences, etc. I didn’t play Warcraft 2 and I’ll admit I probably don’t know as much about the lore as you do, but the Daelin Proudmoore campaign signifying a death of the faction wars identity? Are you serious? That’s in my memory one of the most controversial and memorable campaigns of the expansion, considering that in Daelin’s point of view, he was absolutely right, that the Horde are a bunch of genocidal maniacs that only ever cared about wiping out all oppositions with force, nothing else. They even proved his point by invading Kul Tiras and killing everything in their way. If that didn’t inflame the faction divide and further reinforce hatred between the alliance and the horde, I don’t know what will.
I understand the draw of the horde and playing as the bad guy, sure, but pretending that there would be any legitimacy with humans siding with orcs is just laughable. It’s as if Aragorn would’ve tried to make peace with the Uruk’hai after they murdered Boromir, or not decapitated the mouth of Sauron after he taunted them with the supposed death of Frodo.
And maybe the faction war is not a story that you can develop a whole lot on, I’ll agree, but it needs to be there in the background and allways kept in mind when developing future plot points, otherwise it just won’t make any sense, at all. And don’t tell me that the “side together to kill big bad” at end of expansion isn’t predictable and forced, it’s what has happened now a lot of times and I don’t find it interesting at all. Literally anything except that would be better. Will anybody remember N’zoth as a memorable raid boss? No, because BfA should’ve ended with us killing Sylvanas, that would’ve made this expansion lightyears better and more lasting, instead of feeling filler-esque as it does now.
Yeah, theres lot of other factions that we’ve had war against, that doesn’t detract from the fact that the underlying conflict and hatred between the factions has allways been there and allways will be.
How is it not lmao.
None of the serious players will switch to alliance for collectibles
Literally only affects PvP, which is already dead LMAO.
But this isn’t about new players, it’s about the top % of players
All the new players I know rolled Horde because they liked the races more.
Casual horde mythic raiders will never ever care about getting into HoF.
Horde and Alliance has been working together for the last like 5 years and it’s only gonna keep continuing.
At this point it’s a joke that there’s no cross faction option lol.
“Lmao”, “Kekw”.
Great response from an intellectual powerhouse, I’m now convinced that looking for solutions is terrible and we all just need to give up and put the final nail in the coffin on WoW’s history and make it animal crossing 2.0 with Roblox elements thrown in.
Good job man.
Says the man who suggested collectibles as a way of hetting serious players to switch to alliance.
What do you mean with “serious” players? Top 100 mythic raiding guilds? That’s an extreme minority, and it doesn’t matter which faction they play.
Also, it’s hilarious how suggesting actual solutions is looked down upon, instead of just doing like you and Lxser and saying “theres nothing we can do”. Lol.
I’ve stated my solution many times, get rid of the terrible faction divide.
That’s not a solution, that’s an opinion. Which is fine. You don’t like the factions. The developers behind the game do, they realise that it’s the soul of the game.
The thread in which you replied to postulated that the current faction imbalance will lead to the death of WoW, so I’ve brainstormed a few examples of things that could be done which might sway some players to wanna try out alliance.
If you wanna argue that the factions shouldn’t exist at all, you can make that thread, but this thread was about suggesting things that could alleviate the situation and make the outlook for the alliance population better.
Lol wut?.
Night elves have arguably the strongest racials in the game in M+ Content and thats nothing to do with “proc Effects”.
Gnomes and mechagnomes also have pretty good racials for lots of classes and again nothing to do with RNG
Jujst because its a Proc rate doesnt dampen the fact they still are higher DPS Values, most CDs are 3 minute based its not like a Spammable thing. and disreguarding that also. the DPS Differences in Racials are minor at best in 99% cases.
I love how we come to the conclusion reversing the effect is the Fix.
u do ur Idea and you’ll recreate The Whole problem just the other way around. if Alliance become super over-popular and Horde start dying that doesnt fix the problem. it just fixs your problem.
Racials should just be Deleted in all honesty :P. just put both factions on complete fair grounds.
My opinion is that the divide is terrible. My solution to the issues arisen from this terrible system is to get rid of it. I’m sure an intellectual powerhouse like you can figure out the difference.
Not just top guilds, most guilds will transfer and this will only snowball. Too late to stop it might as well embrace it.
The thread is arguing that the factions are core to the game. The game developers agree.
Thus the OP posts about possible solutions to make the faction populations more equal.
You come in saying “just remove factions”.
What is your thought process here? I just can’t wrap my mind around this logic. It’s like me coming into a thread about which Mc.Donalds menu is the best, even though I hate Mc.Donalds and never go there.
Why not make your own thread arguing about why the factions shouldn’t exist, instead of trying to hijack this topic by going completly off-topic?
Your reply has no relevance to the context of the thread. I’m not sure why you think it does.
I just think that it’s so funny that the faction that started out as the “underdogs” and “noble savages scrambling to survive” are now massively outnumbering the other side. I wonder if this would’ve happened without the blood elves being added so long ago, since they outright admitted they were “worried about faction balance, large market sections asked for a pretty race so their gf’s can play on Horde side with them”.
Now it’s the Alliance that are “struggling to survive”, but in player population in stead of lorewise. Very funny how things change!
You’re acting like i was supposed to take your points seriously
Man really said add collectibles so HoF raiders go to alliance i’m dying hahahahah
If the top guilds (not all ofc), move to the other faction, alot will follow.
As you all know, those top guilds are all min/maxers and trying to squeeze any extra 1% were they can.
It doesnt really matter how, if its racials or any other way, just give the edge to alliance until things get more balanced and the problem will sort itself.
Transfer to alliance need to be made free, even if its just once per year.
edit: typo