So it seems Alliance has became the defacto faction for PvP, what happens to all the people with multiple horde alts?
Am I expected to pony up, pay for both faction change & server swap (so i’m not stuck on a 99% horde server)
I understand Blizzard is a moneymaking entity, but I really feel some of these services are incredibily expensive for a problem that it seems Blizzard has somewhat brought upon itself.
I don’t like endlessly complaining so I’d like to suggest some potentional fixes;
- Offer faction change as part of server transfer because of how servers work in cataclysm classic.
- Offer cross-faction pvp like retail, which doesn’t brush too much against the grain as there’s already many other retail-like systems in cataclysm classic.
- Making the services affordable in a time where people are being squeezed for money.
I understand nothing really has to be done about this, but I’d at least like blizzard to consider something be done to an issue that’s plagued us since Phase 2 Classic launch - I imagine it just isn’t PvP players being affected by this but the wider community as a whole.
It’s a social game, an MMO to make and play with friends, please stop making it hard for us to do this.