Faction Imbalance in PvP popularity

So it seems Alliance has became the defacto faction for PvP, what happens to all the people with multiple horde alts?

Am I expected to pony up, pay for both faction change & server swap (so i’m not stuck on a 99% horde server)

I understand Blizzard is a moneymaking entity, but I really feel some of these services are incredibily expensive for a problem that it seems Blizzard has somewhat brought upon itself.

I don’t like endlessly complaining so I’d like to suggest some potentional fixes;

  • Offer faction change as part of server transfer because of how servers work in cataclysm classic.
  • Offer cross-faction pvp like retail, which doesn’t brush too much against the grain as there’s already many other retail-like systems in cataclysm classic.
  • Making the services affordable in a time where people are being squeezed for money.

I understand nothing really has to be done about this, but I’d at least like blizzard to consider something be done to an issue that’s plagued us since Phase 2 Classic launch - I imagine it just isn’t PvP players being affected by this but the wider community as a whole.

It’s a social game, an MMO to make and play with friends, please stop making it hard for us to do this.

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Morning , you do realize that blizzard is in NO WAY responsible for other people´s choices right ? , if XYZ wants to move they will regardless of “ethics” and you get unbalanced servers wich will NEVER be fixed cause it was never an issue to start with before the min max generations crawled outta their hollow´s

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They run the servers, they set up free-character migration that caused all this initially.

You don’t disregard player actions in an MMO, nor does blizzard for the most part looking through changes they’ve made in the recent and past - it’s flippant to argue that because of a select few of consumers blizzard wont (and in the past haven’t when it clearly isn’t the case) make changes to direct gameplay, services & how consumers interact with content.

I’d also like to state the extent of the problem for people who seemingly aren’t up to date on the issue in PvP arena at the moment.

The amount of horde players in the top 500 in the 2s or 3s ladder can be counted on two hands.

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