Faction pride

Hello there, I play alliance on Gehennas and I got a problem.

So my biggest motivator in this game is to take revenge on all the scum that ganks and greifs me. Everytime i get killed I ad them to my “kill on sight list” so i can camp them when i get the opportunity.

Anyway… on gehennas Iam almost always outnumbered or outgeared or outskilled by the more pvp-dedicated gankers.

Ask for help i chat u say… I do I do… rise up soldiers of the alliance!.. but alas noone is interested :frowning:

Hows Zandalar Tribe, are there guilds here that back eachother up in wpvp? That form groups to fight back? Would love a guild that focus on protecting fellow alliance players out in the world “Bjårnes eyes filles with pride and purpose”.

Roleplaying ive never tried tho but sounds fun :slight_smile:

Some Alliance guilds that I have seen in the wild is the “Alliance Free Company” & “The Lions Sword”. They often find and ‘accompany’ me on my way to boomkin fishing in Stormwind. Both RP guilds.

Thought all tauren druids were doing is /pat /moo everyone.

Those guilds sounds fun ty for ur reply :slight_smile:

/pat /moo


Both Sword and Alliance Free Company are very cool guilds. :slight_smile: And both do PVP stuff!


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