Faerie Fire macro

Hi fellas,

I’d like a macro for my druid a bit too advanced for myself to create.

I want to cast faerie fire and turn bear with a shift mod, and cast faerie fire without a shift mod turning into a cat, with the same button.

Can anyone help with this?

Thanks in advance

/cast Faerie Fire
/cast [mod:shift] Bear Form(Shapeshift); Cat Form

Thanks for the reply, doesn’t seems to work I’m afraid. :confused:

Doesn’t work how?

I don’t know, but I was expecting that when I click the button, I’d cast Faerie Fire and then turn into a bear, but nothing happens.

Does clicking it without shift put you in cat form?

By default, keybinds take priority over macro modifiers. By default shift 1-6 is bound to Action Page 1-6. So you’ll need to unbind those keybinds to use shift modifiers on those keys.

Actually all it does is cast faerie fire, shift or not, no shapeshifting to either cat or bear.

I know about the binds priority, nothing is bound to that button.

Then either there’s a GCD conflict or the shapeshift spells are wrong. Can rule out the spells by shift-clicking them into the macro.

Tried to modify it in some ways too hoping it would work but nothing does.

Thanks anyway for trying.

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