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Title: The Duskwood Marbles

Author: The people of Duskwood

Culture/Race: Stormwind

Already a known as a land for the mysterious, supernatural and outright dangerous goings on, one of Duskwood’s most bizarre occurrences sounds too fanciful to believe at first, even for the land marred with undead, worgen and other nasty entities over the years.

There are unsettling stories and eyewitness accounts of strange statues dotted apparently at random around the groves and forests of Duskwood. The origin of the statues are completely unknown, but they have been reported in the area for many years sporadically. They are ornately carved, humanoid in shape with a variety of facial expressions ranging from sombre and dejected to monstrous and demonic.

The statues have garnered a reputation for bad luck and being a sign of ill-omen if one lays eyes on the sculptures. There have been tales of grave misfortune for those who have been unlucky enough to gaze upon one. To make matters worse, the statues appear to move around the woodland seemingly unassisted by anyone’s aid as no one has been sighted lifting and moving the statues around the land. One particular figure was found to have moved from Raven Hill cemetery all the way to the hills above Darkshire.

Adding to the ominous nature of these marble effigies are a spate of unrelated disappearances and deaths in locations where the statues have been previously noted down. Gruesome murders appear to have been conducted, perhaps as sacrifices, at the locations of the statues. Each time however the statue is no longer present with only the mutilated remains of the victim nearby.

There are those who do not claim the statues even exist, that these tales are merely fabrication to cover the unsavoury activities of serial killers and monsters. However there are those who will warn travellers straying into Duskwood, to beware the undulating sounds that indicate the statues are close…