Title: Of Clever Jani and Reliable Kimbul
Author: Unknown
Culture/Race: Zandalari
One fine morning, the loa of secrets Jani, bragged to the great hunter Kimbul, mocking the tiger for being predictable, uncreative. Boring.
“I be havin’ a whole pile of tricks,” he said, “to escape and trick poormon and richmon alike! More than you, I bet!”
“I have only one,” said Reliable Kimbul. “But I hunt with grace, and I hunt with consistency. I have no need for your pile of tricks, scavenger!”
In the distance, they heard the cry of a pack of raptors and hunters coming towards them. Clever Jani’s eyes flashed. “Why don’t we put this to the test, o reliable Kimbul? Escape their spears and their saurid! You with your one trick, and I with my many!”
The King of Cats agreed, turning into a much smaller cat, and leaps into the brush, fading into the forest.
“This is my plan,” said he. “What are you going to do, o Clever Jani?”
The saurid thought first of one way, then of another, and while he was debating, running to and fro, the hunters came nearer and nearer, and at last Clever Jani, in his confusion and indecisiveness was caught!
The Lord of Beasts looked on with a chuckle. “Better one safe way than a hundred on, silly saurid.”