You and others had to start and wine about it. So don’t cray.
You might read up on my position above. I was quite clear that I think Kaldorei are actually not a bad place to tackle gender issues, just that I don’t expect Blizz to do it - or anything about the story, really - well. But that would require basic reading comprehension, I guess, instead of picking out a quote that might or might not be related to something you don’t like, to get offended about it…
While reading between the lines you shouldn’t forget about what’s actually in the lines.
You are right you did say that. But we don’t know how good or bad the stories are yet and this was your orignial statement.
So… it’s a strange look to me. So not fittign the world, confusing children… and then you went to way better takes. Like this one:
It’s seems like a strange… contradiction you may say.
…where is the contradiction, exactly? I generally don’t think those are the themes that should be prevalent in WoW. But they might still be good stories that people like. I just don’t find it likely, because…
I really haven’t been ambiguous here at all. And I never said the story was bad because there was a trans person in it. Indeed, I didn’t say it was bad at all. Just that I expected most stories in the book to be bad, and would be pleasantly surprised if some, like the one about the Vulpera that I mentioned, actually were a nice addition to the world.
Really, stop talking to me. You annoy me. I’m sure I annoy you as well, so just stop arguing with me about MY state of mind, would you? Yes, I am aware that this is a public discussion and you can engage whenever you want to. You have the freedom to annoy me. But I am asking you to use your freedom to stop annoying me instead.
With all of that I have no problem.
Most of your answers here are nothing bad, or I take offense with at all.
This however, is something very strange to say on a forum for WoW. If you get annoyed, anyone would take offense to that, that’s on you.
I really don’t care after your first statement.
Nope. It isn’t.
Insisting on discussing it is versy strange on a forum for WoW, though. Especially if I have made abundandly clear that I won’t.
So just shut the muck up, would you?
Nope. You brought it up.
See. You don’t think it’s strange to name it. You only hate the backlash for saying it. it’s entirely on you.
Because it isn’t.
Because it’s making the whole thread about it.
Sure, I’m talking to myself. We’re both wrestling on the playground here, little rainbow knight.
And you really wine about a little backlash.
Well like I said. If you are going with “the children”, don’t get offended yourself. It’s not that hard.
Nah, I’m just accepting the playground fight. If you want to present that you are so very virtuous that you can’t leave a remark standing that you might not agree with, because you need to have some outward virtue to hide some inward filthyness, or something like that, and want to drag this on until the last word, although it has already been made clear that nothing will come of it… Well, then playground tactics it is. Throwing mud, biting and scratching, until someone gets tired or the adults end it.
It wasn’t even part of an argument, which you would know, if you were able to actually understand a post. It had nothing to do with my position on the issue at hand. It’s all about my state of mind. Just like you continuing to reply here is all about your state of mind. Sure, mine too, but how does that make it less of a sad statement about you?
I’m at least deliberately embarassing myself here, you didn’t even understand what you are doing yet.
That’s such a bad reply I don’t need to ad anything to it. Sure, I’m a very bad human and that’s why your “a story is confusing children” take, is something I have to use to show something fake.
Like I said, you had to bring it in to this. You simply had to. It’s always the same. You can make fun of people, if they aren’t like you. You think it’s acceptable. That’s not flying with me.
Well it kind of was. You implied such stories would “confuse children”. Even if it wasn’t your way of phrasing was simply condescending and bad. Of course it reflects more on your state of mind.
We, my friend, it’s we, not I. We’re a team here, making others feel better about themselves by making them know that there are more silly people than them out there. None of us could have done this without the other!
…which wasn’t part of the argument, but the preamble. It said something about me personally, not about my take on the book in question. That one I gave a lot more explicitly.
No, U! Didn’t you know that in a fight about the last word it’s always the other side that’s at fault? And that’s obviously you!
Okay, I guess we’ll see who has the higher tolerance for mental pain here. We kick each other into the metaphorical balls until one of us drops. Come on, let’s continue this contest of toxic masculinity! Let’s present our inability to leave a challenge unanswered, even if only misery will come out of it to the world! Let’s crown the winner a king in his own mind for bringing nothing but pain! Let’s have bards sing about our epic struggle for the last word… or well, I guess this kind of is a contest of bards already… But maybe some of the embarassed onlookers can actually sing.
Whatever, make our grandchildren wish they’d have been here on this day of blood and tears! The glory! THE GLORY!
Sure, that’s not the only option on the table. You might not care about virtue at all, and just enjoy the bullying aspect of making people submit! Not sure if that’s more flattering, though. But I’m just speculating, of course. You wouldn’t want to tell me something about your childhood, to give my random stabs a bit more chance at accuracy? I mean, I could go for the old WoW, loser at life cliches, that we’re not exactly dismantling here, but that feels a bit boring…
Attacking your virtue is just the usual response to people crying bigot, because it works so often…
Sure I keep replying to you. I know I should stop, it’s a waste of time. However, you had to start this with “the children”. It’s so bad.
Yes you gave later on more complex and better replies. Which makes your “muh personal feelings”, even stranger. See the following:
The last sentence is in fact a part why I am responding to you. You aren’t recognizing it. Stating your personal view in such a way is bullying other people.
You really think it works? It’s boring, really boring. Yes your view is also bigoted.
Edit: Feel free to have the last word.
I won this contest of masculinity, proving once again that defenders of diversity obviously lack in that department. It’s science!
Yeah, horribly inconsiderate of me to mention children when discussing a book of fairy tales. Like I thought they might be part of the usual target demographic for something like that… Really embarassing. And like the upstanding person you are, you couldn’t help but point out my embarassment. And again. And again. Because… sorry, why was that again? I mean, I’m going by your premises here, but I can’t figure out what YOU think is compelling you to reply here.
…in the same post, actually. I stated that I think that stuff is misplaced, and then stated that that doesn’t matter at all, in the same post.
Nah, you misuinderstand me. You see, I personally think being a bully is a bad thing, so seeking to offend you, I called you that. I can assure you, you didn’t steal anything but my patience and my time. You really thought I was sincere here? I guess the next time I’ll have to be a bit more hyperbolic. FOR GLORY!
I have to ask you this last thing. Are you really serious? You really don’t understand it?
See, that’s something you can’t do with such replies. It’s not new, perhaps I’m too old. But it shows, I can forget my question.
Of course you don’t care.
…Are you serious? Really, you promised! That’s probably the moral filthyness I was talking about, not sticking to your word! Totally knew that!
I have my blind spots and flaws.
Why are people with your view always so bad at baiting and especially trolling? You don’t offend me one bit with all your attempts. Only your unintentional honest moment was it. See ya later, or somewhere else.
…I feel like I’m a lot more successful on that front than I tried to be, considering you’re still swallowing.
Jeez where is Erevien when we need him the most ?
I can try an impression, if you like. Erm…
Trans Kaldorei are a sure sign of Alliance bias. The devs love LGBT+ people, and thus give them to the faction they love more!