"Fairytales of Azeroth is folklore within the Warcraft universe"

On a more “lore-related” note, it seems that this new book points at An’she being Elune’s brother.

I honestly like it. Hopefully this translates into a richer Tauren lore, and puts an end to the Night elf monopoly over the Nature/Life theme.

Given Elune seems now tied to the “Life Realm”, hopefully when/if we end up visiting it, this will allow to have a Savannah sort of realm that helps bring stuff like the Ancestral Lands.

Would’ve been nice. Telling Ardenweald story to the horde by the horde races, from tauren to elves, would’ve been a nice decision. Sadly, doing what is done seems to be cheaper.

Conceptually, given the origin of highmountain in our timeline, it’s over for a while already. But I guess that for the devs doing what they are doing is their ways to… idk, fix things? Like, give elves other things instead of what was asked and rob the other races of participation. Top decision.


Lack of such thing in the Shadowlands is one of those decisions where I am not even sure if the dev team considers anything else other than convenience to tell whatever they want to.

gl hf

That would be problematic for a lot of Kaldorei fans I suspect, as that means that Elune is also Mu’sha, which fits thematically, as that is what the Tauren call the Moon, and Mu’sha is female, but it does then raise the bugbear, given that An’she and Mu’sha are the eyes of the Earth Mother, that the Earth Mother is the progenitor of Elune, and therefore a more powerful (or at least older) deity.

Now this -wouldn’t- be a problem normally, if we took the hypothesis (and it -is- a hypothesis, not lore fact) that ‘The Earth Mother’ is Tauren superstition about what we know now in Lore, that Azeroth is herself a Titan awaiting her birth. It all hangs. The Earth Mother -is- literally the Planet, An’she and Mu’sha/Elune would therefore be her children. So far so good. Contentious, but it thematically works.

However. We also know that Elune is not exclusively worshipped on Azeroth alone, but on at least one other planet, Fyzandi. So it kinda blows that idea out of the water.

I think it is one of those things like when Velen said Elune was a Naaru, and Tyrande just went “No she ain’t, shut up”.

Plus the entire book is folk tales. No more or less real than Robin Hood, or King Arthur, Nasreddin or Baba Yaga. It isn’t -lore- because it isn’t even presented to us as lore, but as ephemeral tales with no actual proof.

It is actually pretty groovy in a setting where we know that things like Gods and Loa actually -do- exist, that there are some things that are ingrained in the conscience of Azeroth’s People, that might simply be entirely made up. Everyone knows what King Kong was, but he was never real. Likewise Godzilla, or Wolverine, Superman, Magneto. They’re just modern day myths and legends, which -we- know aren’t real, but hundreds of years from now, will there be people who were going “Well, there is all this folklore about Superman, so I guess he must have been a real person” the way we do about Robin Hood.

Well, to be honest, those sort of fans that can’t bear the fact that any other races may be validated in their creeds, and have it expanded in a more or less logical way, can go suck it.

Having more lore regarding how other native races may have other deities as “tangible” as Elune is to NE, in no way diminishes the laters development or ideology.

You’re not reading what he’s saying.

He is not saying that they’re the kind of fans that “can’t bear the fact that any other races may be validated in their creeds”, he’s saying that if the expand tauren mythology lore using Elune, they’re outright contradicting/retconning everything about Elune that has been established as recently as Shadowlands.

Because Elune would then be a Azeroth only diety (because Azeroth’s moon is Elune/Tauren Goddess/whatever) and couldn’t be known/worshipped on other worlds.

And that’s why these stories really shouldn’t be lore, but in-universe tales. There is no problem with stories contradicting each other.


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