FAKE ! " Tier Ensembles Aren't Class-Specific "

I bought this so I could use it with all plates : https://www.wowhead.com/item=215328/ensemble-battleplate-of-cyclopean-dread

but I only see it on the dk (it is originally a set owned exclusively by the dk) … instead of the details it was written that it could be used by Warrior, dk and paladin…Is this a problem you will solve?

It says “Appearances only usable by Death Knights, Paladins, and Warriors”, i am assuming you get a set for those classes (not sure tho).
Agree that is is not very clear.

really unclear

I also checked my paladin and warrior alt and got nothing (they are mythical sets from siege of orgrimmar)

Let’s hope someone clarifies everything there

Get them now, use them in next expansion when mog restrictions are lifted, I believe.

No, next Addon it works the same way as it does now on Remix.

Its Fairly simple, to actually use the Transmogs, you need to meet the Requirements.

That means, Plate Sets will need a Plate Char, and Class sets will need the Class.

HOWEVER, on Remix with the Buyable Transmogs, and Next addon with all Transmogs, you can Aquire the Transmog with any Class.

So: You can Buy and Unlock all Sets, but you can still only use them on their respective class.

And on the Next addon, you can Farm old Raids with any Class, and Unlock all the Transmogs to be used with their respective Classes/Armor Types.

okay actually I bought it through a mage class…
maybe they put this sentence wrong “Appearances only usable by Death Knights, Paladins, and Warriors” on classy sets…

No. They are available but they are not in your set list because that class doesn’t have that set. You have to go manually find them in each armour section.

That makes sense for most Armors, as you usually also gotten the same Appearances from Raid as non Class Items.

However, the Special Paladin Ensemble is not aviable on warrior for me.

If you mean the specific class armour and weapons then no, they are not meant to be usable on any other.