Faking damage done is pathetic

There are 4 dummy toys that can be used outside in a battleground map. That cause people fake damage done and think they are cool. These type of dummy toys shouldn’t be usable like other toys for example Experimental Anima Cell was usable in a battleground now it isn’t. So please change that it’s really stupid to see someone slacking deal 1 billion damage done by using these 4 toys:
Black Dragon’s Challenge Dummy
Tuskarr Training Dummy
Rubbery Fish Head
Turnip Punching Bag

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I find these toys mildly inconvenient when I rush to a base thinking the only dude defending has inc, just to find out it’s a toy.

However, I do think it’s tactical to use it.
(I assume) it stops sap-capping & lets people build stacks & probably stops them getting bored whilst defending, alone, for the entire game.
Having said that, don’t they only last a few mins with a long CD?

I’ve never seen anyone flex over 1 billion damage vs a Target Dummy, but I’m pretty sure the Damage Done column only exists for people to say ‘look how much damage I’ve done!’ to anyone who will listen at the end of the game anyway.

Aw is your Ret Paladin ego bruised when you aren’t top damage?

Complaining about something you don’t even understand. These toys are used to keep you in combat to prevent getting sapped, and your combat resources kept filled so you don’t have to build-up anything.

That doesn’t change the fact that this toy shouldn’t be used to increase damage done in a scoreboard.

i am :laughing:

is that really bothering you? are you so vainy?)))

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I’ll drop a target dummy and shoot it with the a vehicle for that sweet padding, because you seem to put a lot of value on something worth absolutely nothing :joy:

Unfortunately too many people put their aim as damage and kills rather than doing strategies. I havn’t used the Toy, turnip has a one hour cooldown, but will do now to keep them shards up from 3 to 5 when deffing, but doesnt mean I have to do big damage to regen shards.

Why do people get het up about damage, say Ashran those equipped with the best aoe druids/ hunters, lock and mage are going to do most damage.

The only person worried about your damage is yourself and if there is room for improvement.

Winning and having fun is for me what matters.

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I mean firstly damage score cards in pvp means nothing. You can be on a lock ending an arena with 4M damage done but if you fight a rogue the rogue only has to do 1m damage and you could still lose…

Secondly You cant use any toys in rated pvp. Randoms are for fun, gearing and to mess around and test things like these toys.

And third why does this even bother you? does it effect your ego when you are not top dps or somthing? I mean, if you know the player is using a toy to boost his damage then why dont you take that into consideration? if you are aware the damage is “fake” why does it bother you. So what if others think they are pro R1 players. Why cant you let just ignore them and let them enjoy their version of reality?

Sounds like you got farmed and this is the only thing you know you can actually give out about without people just stating the obvious which is generally a lack of knowledge/skill.

Clearly posting from an alt bcuz this guy knows he is talking utter nonsense and I can only hope it is a troll.


I mean, technically such toys can also be used to prepare ability stacks and procs before engaging an enemy. Sounds to be indeed like exploiting in such a case.

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