Falcosaur hatchling insane damage

I’m doing the questlines for my hatchlings in Legion. Predatory Strike is definitely my favorite nuke weapon. It says (lvl 25 pet):

Deals 420 Flying damage.
Deals double damage if the target is below 25% health.

Well. That is not true. It does way more damage when the target is below ~50% health or so. My biggest damage so far is 2840 in a single strike.

I’m not a battlepet expert. But what are the mechanics here? Or is it bugged?

What you saw was probably the effect when Shattered Defenses were up.

Falcosaur Swarm leaves a debuff called Shattered Defenses, and during that the target takes double damage.

420 * 2 = 840 (below 25%)

Double that with Shattered Defenses = 840 * 2 = 1680

And if you crit as well … 1680 * 1.5 = 2520

Which doesn’t get me to your 2840, but I haven’t had coffee yet, which means I may have missed something, or perhaps there was something else in effect in your case.

Shattered Defenses is being nerfed a bit with pre-patch; it will yield only a factor of 150% rather than 200%, and it will last for only one round instead of two. However, it will still be very powerful.

See also Chrominius Howl/Surge of Power and Ikky Black Claw/Flock.

P.S. Oh, maybe your 2840 was with one of the other Falcosaurs with more power.

Aha. That could be it. I usually check my pets’ buffs/debuffs when I play the PB game.

The sharptalon does 517 baseline damage while the others does 420-463 baseline damage.
463 * 2 = 926 * 2 = 1852 * 1.5 = 2778
517 * 2 = 1034 * 2 = 2068 * 1.5 = 3102

Hmm. I’m sure I saw 2840. But I could be wrong.

Thank you for your insight. :slight_smile:

[edit] corrected odd grammar

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critical mistake to do calculations without that

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It is by the juice of the bean that thoughts acquire speed,
the fingers acquire shakes.
The shakes become a warning.
It is by coffee alone I set my mind in motion.


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