Title says it all. Fell through the world, disconnected. (WOW51900319)
Everytime, I log into the char it insta disconnects in mid-air while still falling. Character Name: Tøetem - Kazzak
Hi there!
You can find steps if you are stuck falling through the world here:
If your character is falling through the world and you are still connected, you’ll need to resurrect at the Spirit Healer.
If you’re disconnected and falling through the world, contact us.
Well as I already said. I disconnect every time I log in. It says to contact Blizzard if the problem is persistent. It is persistent I can’t log on to my char for 6 hours now…
I also tried starting with and without AddOns etc. pls dont ask me to do these yibbediyabbedih 0 Level Tech Support Bullpoop. Just port my Character to Orgrimmar and lets see what happens.
BTW this all would be much easier if opening a ticket ingame would be a possibility. The amount of corkscrew brainfart that is necessary to open up a ticket under a fake reason which allows you to actually open up a ticket for real is so out of proportion that I wrote a sequel to interstellar while thinking of a plot for a fake ticket just to never ever ever ever ever ever ever reach the point to open it.
U guys are the real heros enduring the rage on this forums while ppl upstairs make decisions to kill of what was a great customer support for -insert reasons-.
But for now. Pls just port me to Orgrimmar.
Forum staff are not GMs and have no ability to port you anywhere.
Well since I have no possibility to open up a ticket my option to inform forum staff what I would expect from a GM if he would ever get this kind of information I am unable to present because of the reasons I just presented…andhereiamjustthinkingwhyyouevenbother
I Pretty much have the same issue I can’t log in to my DK can’t open a ticket can’t access the self service whatever that is and I’m stuck with my character falling endlessly and the game crashing. NO addons Nothing.
Hi I getting the same problem cant open a ticket have tried all the normal things still when i log it fails
just found a way so go onto another character and go to help then open up character stuck and it gives you a list of all your chars job done
Hello everyone! I have exactly the same issue here too. I am logged in to this toon, i am in flying form, up in the air. I get dc’ed and everytime i try to log back in, i am off of flying form and falling. I am getting instant dc and this error (WOW51900319). Fix it please
Same here on one of my characters. Last time this happened for me I had to use the unstuck tool on the website to get teleported to Durotar. Gonna do it again right now to unstuck my 2nd buggy char.