False advertisement for the 6 month Subscription

The thing is it’s not a Special Offer, the price for the 6 month sub is always the same. But like this they are implying that is a limited time offer associated with the current mount promotion.

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Actually living in the UK I have yet to see such a warning, again something wrong with your views!


Sign up to the six month recurring sub and get the mount. That is the offer. They frequently do these kinds of offers, it’s not always a mount though.

The recurring six month sub has always been the best sub price because you are buying in bulk.

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I know what the promotion otherwise says, we are talking about the subscription packages page specifically.

This is the special offer, sign up for the sub, get the mount.

I do not understand the issue. The discount for bulk buying sub has not changed nor does anything say you are getting a better discount that usual.


Either way it’s not false advertising, which was the main topic of the thread.

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And you honestly tell me that in your screenshot Puny , if you had no knowledge that there is 1 month subscription , or the usual price of the 6 month , you would absolutely never think that the old price was 59.94 and the new price is 52.14

Yea right .

that right day is false advertising … It goads you into thinking the price was reduced when it wasn`t . None of you are even disputing that . All you are saying is that we know its not the case .

Now I`m assuming that you people are trolling .
Can you stop assuming everyone knows that this is a comparison between 1 month and 6 months ?
Can you stop assuming that everyone knows the history of how much the 6 month subscription was worth ?

The page needs to explain exactly what is being shown and compared otherwise this is false advertising .

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Incorrect. It gives you a mount and 6 months of sub. The actual price would be 77.94+25.00 but now it’s just 65.94 instead of when you are subbed monthly and buy the mount. Therefor the discount is actually higher.

On other subscription based games/ services you also see monthly/ quarterly (-xx%)/ annually (-xx%).

Conclusion: stop complaining, you are making yourself look like an absolute fool.


The sign up process has not changed much in all the years I’ve been playing. It’s not really changed in format since I started in TBC.

No the information does not confuse me. I’m surprised anyone would be confused, it’s laid out very simply and clearly. I can see the three subscription levels available to me and the savings involved based on subscribing for a year and a monthly basis comparison.

The price is reduced IF you buy the six monthly recurring sub as opposed to the monthly recurring sub, as indicated in the three choices available to you.

These are examples from other MMOs

As you can see most companies offer the same thing, sign up for longer periods and receive a discount. This is standard practice across most businesses. It’s not an MMO exclusive.


It lists a “saving per year” and if you do 12 times 12.99 that’s 155.88 and 12 times 10.99 that 131.88 so yes, that’s 24 Euro per year saving. Blizzard just ASSUMES that someone who buys a six-month sub will do it again so they’re telling that person they save 24 Euros because they they did it. Also the mount is for sale separately for 25 Euros so you get the 24 Euros discount AND 25 Euros worth of mount discount.


Nor does the page imply anywhere that the price is any kind of special offer. It shows - clearly - all 3 options, and the currently selected one that shows how much you save with that compared to the worst option.

The currently selected option is also highlighted, making it even more clear.


Yeah it’s a good deal.

I apologize , as I dont not how to link images . Google special-offer-sticker-600w-139027319.jpg ( The site should be shutterstock ). You dont even need to open it , just check it in google images .

Than compare that to the image of (puny) from above

What is the difference between the images ?
Can you explain what my image means ?
Than again i`m not sure how much more graphically I an explain this to you .

Btw to the nice orc above . Trying to call people names , in vain attempt to degrade their statement just shows your inability to prove your point . Indeed it is pointless to speak further .

Wait, what?!..ROFL

You somehow didn’t fall for the Okie Doke and now you’re trying to put the rest of us up on game.

Brethren, they are not trying to mislead you, what you just said was meant to be obvious, you would save 15% on your sub if you were on a six-month subscription than you would if you were paying a one-month subscription for six months.

People who already have a six-month subscription is not the target audience so why would someone like me with a six-month subscription need to know about the discount of a six-month subscription?

So the target audience is players that don’t have one, which make sense, right?

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If you want to do a link without having the trust level for it, your best bet is to copy the url, paste it into the reply, highlight the url, then use the </> button. This means we’ll see the link and can copy it and see what you are talking about.

Your link will end up looking like this:-


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Remember, you began this with your assumption about what Blizzard meant, or should have meant.

We ALL sometimes come to situations with a misreading, often based on our prior experience or knowledge. Keeping to WoW. I see it a lot in returners to the game, or perhaps newcomers with knowledge of other games, assuming that the mechanics they knew are going to be the same as the mechanics in WoW. And they may get taken by surprise and annoyed when they find the game works differently than they expect.

We ALL do it.

Sometimes misreading is just misreading. I remember when I was young, I read an ad that said “For certain coins (from whatever year) we pay (big money).” I read “for certain” as “for sure”, “guaranteed”, and could not be argued out of it.

You made the assumption that Blizzard meant 15% off the previous 6-month sub. As we see from this thread, most people assumed (correctly) that Blizzard meant 15% off the price of a 1-month sub.

We ALL do it.

But when you do it, sticking to your guns, doubling down, and proclaiming that everyone else is wrong is not a winning strategy. It does not change the outcome, and it does not change anyone’s mind. Next time, before you assume that an error or misrepresentation has been made, it will be good to examine the basis of your assumptions. :smiley:


Yes, that is precisely why you see coffee cups marked with “content is hot” because companies were sued over such things.

In some cases it is because people are, frankly, dumb, while in most other cases it is because America has a culture where people actively seek out opportunities to sue companies for money.

If you go over to the sub choice window nowhere does it say that the 6 month sub is 15% off. It shows you what difference you have between the worst option (monthly sub) compared to the 6 month sub. The 77.94 is the amount you pay for six months with a normal, monthly subscription because that is the basis the comparison goes by. You cannot play the game without a sub, so the basic form of sub is used as a base.

It is used as a point of comparison, so people would find the 6 month sub more attractive. If someone has issues seeing this they can always contact customer support to refund their choice and they can swap over to a different sub type.

If there are people out there who confuse the 15% discount as the 6 month sub being on a discount, well…they should consider getting assistance from someone handling their finances, including their sub.


If he feels that he has a winning argument, he should stick to his guns, this is what I love about a debate,… when the entire world is running towards a cliff and you’re one of the few running away from it, guess who is the crazy ones?..so yeah stick to your guns, but, back it up with logic.

If you can’t, you probably don’t have a winning argument.

In this particular situation, I don’t think he can back anything he’s said up with logic.

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I think I see the reason why people cant seem to understand what Im saying .
Some assume that I`m misunderstanding .
Other assume that they understand things better .
It seems the only thing people cant assume is that someone might understand things differently from them .

By the logic of “nowhere does it say that the 6 month sub is 15% off” . Nowhere does it say that this is not the case . In fact nowhere does it say that this is not just some random number crossed out .
You assume this is not the case , because it suits your argument .
People assumed that the world was flat and killed other people over it , simply because it suited them better . Doesn`t mean that’s true .

At Grainne . You even yourself prove my point .
" You made the assumption that Blizzard meant 15% off the previous 6-month sub. As we see from this thread, most people assumed (correctly) that Blizzard meant 15% off the price of a 1-month sub."

I was able to make that assumption because there is nothing preventing me from assuming otherwise .
Now the real question is why do you assume no-one else can think the same way as me . They might even think something else entirely .Heck why do you assume that the people who think like you assumed correctly in the first place ?

When you just place numbers and then cross them out it provides opportunity for interpretation .
I`ve repeated this who knows how many times now in this thread …

You know most companies simply include a simple line saying “you will save XXX amount over this bargain if you chose option XXX” .

This is not done here and it is done on purpose .
It`s not that hard to just add a few lines of explanation is it ?

The one thing that’s surprising about this post, is that the OP is not complaining that you don’t get the mount and cauldron if you buy six months game time as opposed to a six month subscription, that may auto renew.