False ban on second account


Monday evening while raiding with my guild on my main wow account (wow3) I got surprised by an email from Blizzard support tell me that my second wow (wow4) is banned.

Their reason: Offense: Exploitative Activity: Unauthorized Cheat Programs (Hacks)

Which makes zero sense because I haven’t used any cheats or hacks since my wow1 and wow2 got a perm ban. ‘I have learned from my mistake’

Now I have been waiting for more then 24 hours for a response on my ticket: EU97373602
Both me and my friends are waiting for an answer because they need my feral kitty tonight.

I hope a real game master will reach out to me instead of an automated respond to my ticket. So we can figure out what is happening here.

Posting on forums will not push your ticket ahead on line.

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I know that, but it seems im not the only one with this problem.

even though his situation is different the problem is the same.

As you’re clearly already aware, discussing account actions on the forums is not allowed.