Far too many buttons to press now

27 even, i missed a few haha.

and yeah Some classes have more then others, Shamans have ALOT of abilities too

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Exactly. Who Doesn’t want shattering throw? Heck, i’m a mage which will be hard countered by it and i still want that ability to remain. It’s a good addition.

This is an extremely bad attitude.

Never once said it was too hard.

Lmao what.

Never said for Warriors specifically. There’s also weapon changing macros / equipment manager, which takes 2 buttons (Equip 2 hander + shield, equip 2 x 2 hander)

Other classes have many more abilities.

I welcome returning features, that were deleted before.

Fury warriors that can use a shield (situational but still nice), frost death knights finally being able to use 2h again, holy paladins having some damaging spells. Good stuff.

Everything in this game just goes back and forth with more redundant changes after the other.

The developers just flip-flop on everything and have no sense of direction.

This is not new for Blizzard, they have been doing it for 20+ years.

People just like to ignore history.

They want WoW, and all of the games they create to be like everything else except for what it is.

First people complained about the 4 button rotations, now they complain because there are too many buttons.

The playerbase is more dynamic than that. E.g. some of us play since 2006 but we are on and off from the game and we had no clue what is going on for ONE patch. Also some people are naive even if they do play.

This. It genuinely feels like the devs don’t play the game at all. It just feels like they don’t have a vision for what they want the game to be. Every expansion they try to reinvent the wheel, spend the entire expansion cycle working their new needlessly convoluted systems into a palatable state only to throw it all in the bin and start again. And then they make changes nobody asked for, then they revert the change a couple years later and now they are going crazy trying to force people to play the game in a very specific way with Shadowlands.

They don’t have a vision for what they want the game to be, they have zero clue what they are doing, they are out of touch with the playerbase and don’t know how people actually play the game.

Not just the amount of buttons, but spells that are in specs that have never been in them. Fury will be using hamstring now, which I can’t get my head around. I admit piercing howl AoE spam did need sorting but hamstring has always been an arms spell. I guess I just have to adapt.

Maybe I am complaining because it’s all new, but I am running out of keys to press, but then I just need to get used to it I guess. Not a big fan of change so excuse me.

Then simply don’t use them? Instead of taking stuff away from other players fix the problem yourself?

Weapon swapping and more isn’t needed at all in PvE environments in 99.9% of situations

Yes I know that, I merely stated from a PvP perspective.

That’s silly, sorry but why wouldn’t you use a spell that useful to you.

Yes and pruning ruined the game for most of the PvP community…

Well you want it to be removed again… lol make up Ur mind u either want them or you don’t want em

Must be a new player. We didn’t get enough abilities back.

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A new player? I’ve been playing since TBC so not really.

Because most people don’t want vanilla rotations back like BFA tried so hard to do :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

No offense, but the PvP community have always proclaimed PvP ruined for one reason or another.


Dude, we had to deal with years and years of crappy classes and specs that all felt similar because of homogenisation and over-pruning, now that we get stuff back (which is nowhere near the amount we had previously, like in MoP) people are complaining on the forums about “too many abilities” ???

I am genuinely wondering if people are just trolling at this point. I can’t be bothered to read the WoW forums. I’m off, cya.

I’m not a pvper personally. But id argue BFA was still less fun class wise then WoD or cata, while sure I don’t want mop levels back. Both those expansions felt better then BFA.

I do wonder how they gauged this with new players.
Exiles reach is obviously aimed at the newbie.
The mage tutorial there is essentially telling you that your combat style is frostbolt to play keep away then fire blast in melee. Fair enough (tho explosion spam is king).

Then you hit 10 and respec arcane, and it doesn’t tell you that actually frostbolt is now a mega situational spell (useless once you get slow) and you should be using arcane blast.

It just seems odd to make a newbie tutorial and pair it with situational abilities for all specs that actually have very little use in their main rotation. I imagine it’s be confusing.

My point is more that using the PvP community as a way to gauge the design is rather silly, as the PvP community always regards the design as being ruined, broken, doomed, dead, or similar. The signal to noise ratio there is pretty atrocious. It’s always bad. And the range of response goes from bad to bad. That’s it.

It’s the equivalent of putting your hand into a bowl of water and concluding that it’s wet.

The conclusion writes itself.