Farming Anima in 2025 is painful, improve Anima gains Blizzard

Dear Blizzard,

Shadowlands expansion ended 3 years ago and by all means this is a Legacy content. Lorewise when our characters arrived, there was an Anima drought, that’s why Anima was scarce and earning it was gruesome. But what is your excuse now, in 2025?

Our characters fixed the Anima drought and the amount of dead Nerubians we sent in The War Within should flood with Anima all of the Shadow Realms.

Total Anima required imgur_com/BMf8UHk (links are not allowed) for all 4 Covenants is 1’203’245, a whopping million of Anima, NOT including Sanctum Upgrades, and that’s another 98’500 Anima for full Sanctum. How can you earn that amount realistically? If you leisurely collect 1’000 Anima per week, it will take 23 years of non-stop playing and 2.3 years if you grind 10’000 Anima per week.


Give us proper Anima income, i don’t want to grind 35 Anima World Quests, 5 Anima Table Missions or Zereth Mortis chests all day every day instead of playing The War Within.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Add a +0 or +00 to each and any Anima reward, and players will start earning thousands of Anima instead of hundreds. Or slash costs for everything in the same manner. Or do both and we’ll love you!
  • I have a character with 4 maxxed Covenants and transfering Anima is tedious! There is no point for these extra hoops, give us 400’000 unified Anima reservoir, that’s accessible to all Covenants on one character. Or remove the cap entirely.
  • Sanctum Upgrades give us increased Anima Rewards, but only for one character. Make it Account Bound.
  • Why when i get Anima there is so much useless stuff that clutters my bags? And why everytime my bags are full with those items i have to fly all the way back to my Covenant Hall and pool them manually? Make it a currency already, that immediately goes to your currency tab and doesn’t clutter our bags.
  • Why when i want to Research Sanctum Upgrades, it literally takes hours/days of real time? What’s the point for that in Legacy content? Remove the cap entirely or make it realistic 5/10/15+ minutes of waiting per tier, but not the whole whoppin’ day.
  • Some Ardenweald Soul Shapes are ridiculously overpriced. They are specific to that one Covenant and the only thing they do is purely cosmetic in nature. Slash those ridiculous prices in half for the expensive ones, Night Fae is the most expensive Covenant in the game with 434’700 total Anima cost for everything.
  • Also allow us to pool Redeemed Souls from the Maw without that clumsy quest. Make them a currency and allow us a simple turn-in of 1/5/10/15/20+ souls anytime we want

Just FYI you can do a Torghast wing and get them too. In case you weren’t aware. I personally find that preferable to the Maw.

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Yes, i saw they were available in Torghast, which is pretty nice (and overkill, most of the time, because you can only loot 20), and even in Sanctum of Domination, or at least they look alike).


Since we are talking about Shadowlands, you know an efficient and fast way to get stygia? I’m missing two covenant appearances from Korthia but I need 4k (iirc but not absolutely sure) stygia to buy them.

Sorry @OP if my post in not a reply to your anima suggestion/problem.

I haven’t had to do that one later so I’m not sure what the most efficient methosd is. It used to be killing rares in Korthia and the Maw but things could have changed.

That’d be nice.

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There’s nothing I would really call efficient or fast but Ve’nari dailies are still probably the fastest of them. 300-400 Stygia for something you’d do in a minute. Just don’t trade your Stygia back to her for that useless Thorgast stuff…

Assaults, missions, and occasional WQs can come in handy as well when they are up.

You can top whatever is left with rares, there’s not much of a competition on RP realms.

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I do think how Anima was done in SL was a mistake. I remember looking at the Sanctum and seeing it cost thousands to upgrade and then I looked at WQs and saw rewards saying 35 and I basically gave up on Sanctums then. I figured they’d increase Anima at some point, which they did but by then I’d disengaged from Sanctums and didn’t really want to re-engage - especially for some esoteric transport system that wasn’t great to begin with but when flying was available was totally redunant.

Sanctums should have been a fun feature to engage with but they ended up just being a grind.
I don’t mind the cosmetics costing some Anima (prices could be discussed) but a main feature like Sanctums shouldn’t have had such high Anima costs.

I switched convenant on my main for achievement and I can agree with OP.
Please have a look at this @Blizzard

Yeah, I’m slowly working through it myself and it’s painful to say the least. A lot of unnecessary time gating. I’d also like the rares and treasures spawned by multiple players to be switched to single player interaction. I don’t see anybody in the zones most days.

I totally agree. I decided to slowly catch up on Shadowlands after dropping game in January 2021 and it’s just painful. Everything. Anima grind, unlocking stuff with way too long quest chains. And world quests themselves. The worst ones are those that ask you to lower HP of enemy (and use item on them). But enemy doesn’t have health protection, so it gets oneshot with scaling. And I don’t know when it was changed, but for some reason you can’t autoattack with your fists anymore, it requires weapon now. Why? Who thought it’s good idea?

As someone who did farm anima when it was current… I support this…

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As someone who never did SL when it was current, I cannot fathom how the covenant systems got made back in the day. It all just seems so unnecessarily overcomplicated and even somewhat hostile - and apparently that’s after several patches’ worth of improvements. TWW stuff feels a lot less clunky and tedious, like A LOT.

I second this. I think all of the requests is a bit extreme, I mean it’s a lot of work, but if they just added a few 0’s to the rewards or took away a few 0’s from the costs, that seems like minimal work and very achievable.

I want to finish my Back from the Beyond. I was basically only left with Things To Do When You’re Dead when the xpac ended and having to get 37500 anima for the sanctum upgrade is crazy (I already had tier 2). I don’t want to spend all my free time on old world quests awarding 210 anima, there’s a lot to do in The War Within :confused:

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I recommend running the raids since they’re soloable, the do give quite a bit. Do the world bosses since they give 500 and then there’s often that one wq that gives 250 or was it 500 too, dont remember but was either.

But yeah the anima drops should be boosted at least 100%, still missing some mogs from the covenants even though I had several characters doing them at the time.

Oh goodness, yes please. The slow, painful grind feels incredibly out of place.

I recommend doing the raids.
They’re pretty much all soloable, have cool looking transmogs & farming the later bosses is super easy now that the raid skips are account wide.

Each boss gives 3-4 bundles of 35 anima, this can rly stack if you run the raids on multiple characters & just transfer the anima to your main character.

is anima transferable?

Yes, in Oribos next to the flight master stands an NPC where you can buy account wide tokens to send anima to your alts, or just store it on your Warbank.

so its the old way not warbound, ok