Farming Zin 'anthid is hell

This. It isnt necessarily the boxers that are the problem(not saying they arent either) but if they wouldve just let them spawn at other placed as well the problem would be way more insignificant

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This is what i am doing on free days (non working days) on random heroic dungeons :slight_smile: It is good income. On my server the augment runes sell for 125 though. But still nice extra.


They’re 70+g on my realm… like hell I’m paying 14+k for a bloody stack…

Ah - i’d have thought though that if youre on a lower pop realm (with higher prices) that there would be less competition for the herbs? IDK though, I only looked at Draenor AH.

You can farm herbs on any realm with server-hop, isn’t it? But you can only buy and sell on your own. So when you have a small realm where multiboxers from other servers get ‘your’ herbs, then they are not available for herbing yourself AND they are rare on the AH to buy.

We should find guides for server hopping ourselves :thinking:

You must be out of the loop for a few expansions with regards to cross realms, and sharding… That’s one of the stupid things we got atm… people can void resources from your realm to sell it on theirs.

Worst still when there’s now less people doing Nazj now, so there’s fewer instances of the zone.

I really don´t think it is fine.


They are also getting people killed in the process. The multi-boxers drag huge amounts of mobs on people trying to clear the node for themselves. I was killed two times in a row by the same flock of birds.

What did i do? Log off in disgust for a few hours. I was that angry. Tryign to clear a node and not only does it get taken from you in your face as you try to clear it but them you die as well as they carelessy or with intention drag a huge amount of mobs right next to the node.

I am not going to buy shadowlands till i know what the score is. I have 3 alchies with herb/alchy so i can supply myself with pots and mutes. If the same continues in shadowlands with the business as usual treatment then that is the end. Ill sell my account and be done with it. It is blizzards choice. Not mine.

I am also pretty much done farming over there as it now takes about 3 hours to get 250 herbs which a boxer can get in 5 min. If they want to treat us that way i will vote with my wallet. This is the only way these people understand things.


I just hope Blizzard brings back pots like we had in Legion.
It surely doesn’t make professions more interesting, meaningful or whatever when farming mats is one of the slowest ways to get them, and people rather run old raids for gold to buy them of the AH.

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I agree, it can be hell alot of times. Doing several rounds and if you’re lucky you’re able to farm 3 nodes.

My strategy is; camp a node spot till it spawns. Then do a round, but a faster one than that the node can respawn. You do get some flowers… some.

I know about XR & sharding - but rarely do I farm excessively or buy stuff tbh so never really occurred to me.

I just did a little test - I spent 30 mins farming in Naz and got 113 Zin’anthinds (On Draenor that’s 2260g approx). Took me 42 minutes to clear Throne of Thunder and got 2536 gold. It was way more fun doing the latter and I reckon if you did it on a DH or Druid it would be much quicker than 42 mins. I think I only had it set on normal 25man aswell.

Edit (3.45 BST). Just spent 10 mins fishing in the vale - Abberant Voidfins and the other one. They average 20g per each too (on Draenor) so in the same half hour it takes flying like a loon and picking, you can earn more gold than it costs to buy Zin’anthids.

I guess what im trying to say really is - don’t bother tearing your hair out trying to farm them when you can make more gold than you need in the same time it takes to farm them :slight_smile:

That can’t be right, there’s people here on the forums every week telling me it’s IMPOSSIBLE to make gold without multiboxing, either you are full of it or they are and… Oh.


Nah, that would kill most of the multiboxers, and less $$

Well the fish is kinda rng, not everyone buying that, also tsm ah bots probably undercut 0-24

How is fishing RNG? And I’m pretty sure not everyone buys Zins either and Zins get undercut too.

A friend of mine constantly asks me “Is there anything related to punishing multiboxers on forums, you use it perhaps you know something?” and I answer him " Nope, Blizz gonna allow them, those people buy multiple accounts and give them money and then they steal your herbs and make you play more which means more playtime, it is a win-win situation for Blizzard"…

He then said “But these multiboxers will buy gametime for other people etc. isn’t this bad for Blizzard, Blizzard will earn less money because of multiboxers?” and I answered “Nope, don’t worry…Blizzard probably calculated everything about it and the result probably showed them multiboxers do not cause money loss for them, if that was the case they would ban multiboxing in a blink of an eye, Blizzard ban softwares if they see it as a potential cause of money for the company, for instance that body modifier software, they banned the players and software immediately upon realizing it would be harmful for their pockets”…

Briefly, if Blizzard gets more than they lose multiboxing will forever stay legit… hence my suggestion to you is to stop creating such threads :wink:

just buy wow tokens you dont need zianthid

Is very possible is going to happen.

In the vale and uldum it’s only the two fish you get (at least that’s all I’ve had) so not really RNG. They’re popular at the moment for HV food buffs. Ive sold a few stacks recently.

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Zin has more use than the fish.

By rng i meant that people want to buy it or not. I also tried fishing, and not always sold it, while zin always sold like almost 100% rate