Farming Zin 'anthid is hell

What can i say about this, really! I have report and so a friend of mine so many bots which happens to be the same guys because of the name which we noticed, so i have come to assume that either Blizzard encourages you to make a bot to farm since nothing happens about this matter or bots are from Blizzard itself. At the time i made this topic i was trying to farm in Nazjatar! I have to follow a bot (apparently most ppl do this because Bliz is not interested to solve the matter) and still can not farm because that guy has so many characters who farm. Do something about that we can not spend hours and hours in farming without results.


They are not bots, they are multiboxers.

Blizzard says multiboxing is allowed. Even apps that duplicate your click or key press are allowed. So all they do is click on the herb on their main account, and all multibox windows duplicate that click or key press. They can do combat like this as well, even in world pvp. 10 druids suddenly cast wrath on you. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?

These people make so much gold from farming like this that they can pay for subscription of all their accounts with gold AND make profit on top of it.


So for the rest of us who happen to be more Bliz says “we dont care, just do the same”.
We must be heard so this company finally underestands that this is so stupid and so unfair for ordinary ppl who want to farm and make some gold for their flasks and pots.
They made this system allegedly to help ppl so more could farm the same herb, well this is not working Bliz, better go back to the old system than help making rich some specific guys.


It is also a stupid side-effect of having 1 specific flower needed for all potions. Available in 1 small area.


Yea multiboxers make it a complete pain to farm resources.

They literally control a huge chunk of the wow economy.

Some simple code stopping more than 2 people picking a node in a short period would stop this, but of course they aren’t going to as long as they get real life money out of the people playing this way.

This is also why I laugh at various groups offering carry’s in raid and mythic plus for 100k+ gold per run.

Or other people selling corrupted gear for similar.

There is no real method of farming that much gold outside being a multiboxer or exchanging real life currency for in game currency.

Its fast becoming a pay 2 win game.


I gave up on farming ZA. The whole design of only being in Nazjatar is a pain, and blizzard’s policy on not banning people that abuse the gathering system is a pain as well.


At this time i am trying to farm in Nazjatar. There are 2 guys followed by 10 more chars each, you can not farm, literally. Every zin 'anthid i try to collect says invalid target or it disappears when i approach and this is happening every day. OMG


There are many people in this game who have reached the gold cap using neither method.

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They are the exception, not the rule.

Yes if all you do is play the Auction house and maybe exclusively farm for rare drops that you then get someone to give you big gold on, you can hit the caps.

But lets get real, majority of big spenders atm are the ones buying gold for real life currency.

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I do neither and I am currently sitting at 3,5 million that I have made towards my Longboi since January. In that time, I also paid my subscription with gold every month and purchased Shadowlands with gold, so all in all I made around 5mil already. Just because you personally are not smart enough or are too lazy to make gold does not make it impossible.

I don’t do that either.

Please share the data you have collected to lead you to this conclusion. Unless of course this is simply personal incredulity talking…

Multiboxers are not just a problem in Retail and the current farming herbs=gold efficeny.People in Classic also lose login spots for there realm cause one guy loged in his 10 accounts.So people are stuck in 2k quees during peek hours.
So now we have to ask our self is it that much profitable?People unsubing cause of this stuff.

Allowing multiboxing is fine, but having mechanics that make it the most efficient way to farm gold while also paying for all the subs are just bad.
It’s just frustrating to see multiboxers from other servers each and every day when gathering.
I attack them even with my monk tank twink i use for gathering if i can net one, but if they are 10 druids they just moonspam you to death.

To be honest - I don’t bother farming them if I need them these days. In an hour you can easily grind 5,000 gold from WQ’s/mobs/other mats. THat’s enough to buy 250 Zin’anthed and it takes well over an hour to farm 250 of them.

Paragon boxes…4k gold per one and you get to 10k rep in no time.

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To be completely honest, this isn’t on boxers, this is on the dev team and their design decisions. Boxing was never a big problem for non-boxers before. The reason boxers are now a rampant problem for non-boxers is:

a) gathering nodes instant force despawn after a certain number number of taps, introduced in Legion because people making large groups and having fun in ‘seed raids’ was somehow considered degenerate player behavior
b) Zinanthid being a necessary component in large quantities for every single current Alchemy recipe while being effectively farmable only in a relatively small area of a single zone and impossible to acquire in any other way

Where a) is a classic example of the dev team fixing something that wasn’t broken while breaking three other things in the process, while b) is a classic example of profession design given literally zero thought.

And both could be easily fixed in an afternoon with a couple of hotfixes. Throw away the instant forced despawn since seed raids are no longer a thing. Give Alchemists a Zin’Anthid transmute and make Zin’Anthid drop from Potion of Herb Tracking and make Zin’Anthid replace Cata/MoP herbs in Assault zones as a rare spawn. Job’s done, boxers can still do their thing, non-boxers and casual players can get a bit of the herb while doing their Visions stuff, Alchemists have a way to self-sustain their production a bit better, Follower Equipment and the Mission Table have an actual point to their existance, Zin’Anthid prices drop a little but so much that it tanks the market, everyone is happy.


Really interested :slight_smile: i make around 1000 to 1500 daily with WQ’s. Obviously depending on available WQ’s. 5000 is way over my normal income :thinking:

And the problem is, 250 is 13 flasks x 1.5 for procs = ~20 flasks. I think i burned that easily in only the last 2 days. We need way more. Thinking also about pre-pots, healing potions…

It’s not just world quests though - you could spend an hour farming old raids/dungeons that give good gold. Throne of Thunder could give as much as 2500gold for what’s only about half an hours work. Granted that’s only once per week but I reckon if you spent a few hours farming old raids each week you could easily nett 10k+ gold which is another 500 Zin things.

I need to find out where these raids are maybe :slight_smile: I started in legion so i barely have a garrison.

Here’s a link to another post I found - shows some figures that somebody did. Really useful if you need gold to buy items.


If you are supe geared the tank/healer lfd bag rewards like 900-950g plus 1-4 runes that sell for 170g.Takes me on 450ilvl 15min.

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