Farstrider and Highborne customisations for Elves - PLS

Yeh, they have a little bit too much of that. They really need a WOW factor for the night elf customisation, to put it back on the map.

I remember when the images of the void elves came, with their skin, theri heritage armor, their hairstyles, it was like WOW !!

I have NEVER had that for the NIGHT ELF. Not once. They need something like this, a Night elf customisation t hat people go WOW ! This looks really good, very Elf high class. That’s what I am hoping


Night elves are known as the bottom feeder elves (treehuggers), not as high class elves.
High class elves would be the Highborne, which are mostly Naga nowadays with a few remaining non-naga alive. (See example: Archmage Mordent Evenshade, though he dies in the Warfronts)

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Ah no, actually he doesn’t die. He teleports away after his hippogryph is killed saying that wasn’t how he planned out to end. But he’s alive.


More face options for non-human races! Some races don’t have much choice in this department, I believe female tauren only have 4 options to pick from, and I don’t think trolls have much more than that.
It’s the most defining character creation choice for me (besides race,class and gender, obviously), and I’m sure for many other players as well.


Honestly, I’d like to see Red orc’s skin option. Not the over done high tusks glowing red eyes. But just the shade on the same model as the normal green orc’s.

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No he doesn’t.
His hippogryph dies, but he teleports away. Pay closer attention.


Yeah, I am quite sorry.
When I do this type of soul-deadening content I usually just stare at YouTube at the same time.

Agreed, it does seem the case doesn’t it. (p.s. Evenshade doesn’t die, neither does Maiev.

My fave NElf Highborne character is Prince Farondis, now, if he and his group were somehow restored, he would make an excellent leader not just for the Highborne, but for the Night elves. Face it Tyrande is a High Priestess of a global order, so is Malfurion, neither are civil leaders, and they despite their amazing and incredible feats, they’ve also not been the best to lead a people.

It would be nice if characters like Malfurion, Tyrande, Maiev focused more on their organisations - Malfuiron’s druids are already a multi-racial organisation. Nightborne and Worgen make the Order of Elune, previously seen as exclusively Kaldorei quite possibly more, or at least capable of extending to them. ANd what about Void elves drawn to the dark side of the moon?

Anyway, i think Prince Farondis makes the cut, as Highborne, he would have incredible respect amongst both Highborne and the other castes - for starters he was the first to rebel against the nonsense of zin’Azshari, and was willing to destroy the Well if it meant stopping the demons - balsy, for Highborne too, and insta respect amongst all kaldorei groups. Then ofc his actions in Legion.

If anyone could reverse the stigma of the Highborne or at least give it its best shot at full redemption, it would be a Farondis led group. He and Thalyssra were my favourite new characters in Legion. They really need to use him more./

That’s quite an often suggested option.

ouch harsh, but we never quite know the fates of those we face in these contents. Don’t be to hard on yourself, it’s an easy enough mistake to make.

More facial hair options for blood elf males please. <3

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If they are restored, it’ll be some sort of undeath-variant.

Azshara cursed them, hence why they are spending an eternity as ghosts.

Correction - Worgen make the order of elune.
Nightborne do Nightborne things and love Suramar and Silvermoon.

You don’t know that, and I would hate that. Let’s actually get more living Night elves for once.

Curses are meant to be broken, how about supporting some good fortune for a night elf group for a change.

Speculation, which is what I was doing and what you are too, not stating fact. There is nothing to correct.

You are SPOT ON. Indeed Night Elves need an overhaul. Imho this is the most rushed races model. Leaving the neck issues aside, the entire body posture is weird. Blood/void elves have such an imposing posture all the time. Even the Nightborne(with the same skeleton as the Night Elves) have something special (not as blood/void though).
If the Night Elves won’t be updated in Shadowlands, I will race change to a Void Elf. It is beyond embarrassing how the male Night Elves were handled - rushed and sloppy to reach the WoD launch deadline. It’s sad!


Indeed, and we see how much that matters from the Nightborne Allied Race, which is based on the same skeletron…


Exactly. Take a look at this screenshot from the character creation menu:


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Neat Must Have ! for the New Character Creation with Customisation

To best help with the many new options for customisation in character creation, some extra feature for the options that are supposed to represent actual groups like Highborne, Farstrider and Wildhammer etc is definitely worth doing.

As it stands, there’s nothing really to tell you in Character creation which group, if any, the various customisations belong to or their special significance as part of particular group or faction. Especially if you’re new or unfamiliar with the games diverse peoples and thier story. Who’d tell you that this particular customisation is actually Wildhammer, or Highborne, or Farstrider? -

Presumably you might learn about these groups later in game, but some of them are worth having a neat way to highlight them to make character creation easier.

Say I wanna make a wildhammer dwarf, it’s gonna be a pain to cycle through all the options to pick out the ones that are wildhammer

So if on the left hand side I had a list of set customisations liek Wildhammer. If I click wilddhammer, it simply hides the non-wildhammer ones or rather presets the Wildhammer ones to the front, while the non wildhammer ones are at the back. A tooltip box can appear over the Wildhammer name and give a short description - that would definitely pique the interest of players.

I not only get quick access tif I’m interestedin making a specific type of Dwarf, but it helps new players know which customisations

Specific Examples
Example using the Night Elf
On Right hand you have all the face/skin/hair/beard etc options
On the left hand side you will have a list of the customisations such as:

  1. Night Warrior
  2. Highborne
  3. Illidari
  4. Undead

Clicking Highborne : will load random selection of the various customisations that are meant to denote Highborne. ANd on the right of the screen, the hair, beard, ornamentations, skin tone, tattoos and hair /eye colours that are tagged to denote highborne specifically or could also apply to highborne are the ones that would form the first options, and still allow you to access the non-highborne ones.

If you de-select highborne, all the other options would be easy to see once more but it won’t reset the changes you’ve already made.

If I want to make a wildhammer quickly, or Farstrider, or Highborne or San’layn etc this acts as a shortcut, but also as a secondary way to inform players of what they

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Excuse me, but weren’t you a posteer on general and the story section way back, who wanted to push the mage society of the Night Elves?

He’s the one.
I get it - it’s a very detailed part of the Night Elf story, but for the past two expansions, we’ve seen examples of their life, in the past.
“This is how they USED to live.”

If it’s him, I’d like to invite him in a Night Elf focused discussion discord since I think he really fits in there.

Night Elf focused discussion…?

That sounds interesting…

I read your messages since two years. You’re also welcome. Just leave your discord tag.