Fast Guide : What covenant to Pick ?! ( all 3 specs )

There is only one rule about Covenant that will always be true:

Covenants are what you MUST pick not what you WANT to pick <<<

So my fellow Warriors , this is the result of watching and reading a lot of findings from Beta. I don’t think things will change since SHADOWLANDS is right around the corner, Here We go:

1) PVP

a) Protection : Sadly the spec still bad for PVP at this time , so don’t bother.

b) Arms : Night Fae OR Necrolords , Fae being must better for Warriors since it gives yet another instant gap closer . Necro shield is still good , but how strong is the Night Fae ability for running away / chasing targets for kills or CC , i see all Arms taking this covenant. Sadly the Kyrian potion ability is turned off in instance PVP , If you plan on only doing WPVP , then going Kyrian is competitive up there with Night Fae.

c) Fury : I am not 100% sure yet , but since Fury remains stronger than Arms in mobility and much less clunky rotation wise. Fury is the ONLY spec in game that has a Covenant that is very strong for PVP and PVE : Venthyr . Night Fae’s ability is still a good call for keeping targets under pressure , but that is a less issue for Fury than Arms. But things will be much clear mid Season 1 SL.


a) Protection : Lets be clear here , Blizzard dose not want to see Warriors in MDI again at least this expansion , so if you want a strong choice for tanking go Blood DK or Protection Paladins , both specs are doing great in M+ and Raids. IF you like me , will STILL Tank on your Warrior no matter what , then here are the best Covenants to pick Necrolords or Venthyr . YES Venthyr , Door of Shadows has the potential to do a lot of skips or help reposition for hard large picks in Mythic+ , but keep in mind this ability might be the worst to use mid combat too. Necrolords shield by it self is really good as an added CD, kill a big trash pack , stand over dead enemies and cast it , go pull that harder trash pack .

b) Arms : Unlike the start of BFA , and with Arms being the spec effected the most with end of Legion GCD changes . There is not even 1 content creator disagree on the fact that you should not play ARMS PVE in Shadowlands before it gets fix ( tbh , REWORKED , FROM SCRATCH ! ) . If you don’t understand why Arms is Bad in PVE here are most reasons : New secondary stat TAXATION system , No more corruption, Rage Generation Vs. Spell Cost = Rage Starving all time , and No more Azerite Armor.

C) Fury : Numbers wise just go Vanthyr , not only that , it makes your smooth rotation even more smoother and working on 55% on your target’s HP boss or trash + IT GENERATES ( not costs ) Rage . But don’t be that silly noob who dose not wanna learn the fast that the teleport ability should only be used outside of combat . Other choices ?
Night Fae ability is 1.5 min use it with every Recklessness , still very good damage and Rage Generation for Mythic+ or Raid fights with adds.
Kyrian ability is 1 min CD , if you take Anger Management talent you can combo these both , giving you 25 range , nice AOE damage AND trash control to help your Tank.

This is everything i have learned up to 7th of sep 2020 , i made this topic cause i felt it is important so that people do not waste time changing covenants and enjoy the expansion.

Last thing is : “i picked X covenant cause i like how the armor looks / the mounts they offer” Is something we will all see next expansion :stuck_out_tongue: . Try to be friendly please :smiley:


Omg it spinz! Thanks for the explanation. Was hoping you’d get some feedback from other ptr people. But at least I (with no real knowledge of SL now have a reference. :+1:t2:

Night Fae and Necrolord warrior-specific abilites are too weak to ever be picked in PvP.

Venthyr is the best PvP covenant for fury and arms alike, because both abilties are strong.


You are only looking at the CLASS SPECIFIC abilities and not the COVENANT abilities

Night Fae for example :

The spiritial fox will be the BEST tool INGAME , for chasing targets or running away in PVP . In PVE , its the best for running / moving away from 1 shot mechanics + Mythic keys skips OR help in mass pulls + fast reposition in general.

Necrolords: You are the ONLY ONE in game who is stating that the 2 min shield is bad in PVP , i think you don’t know how to use it ( it prevents some CCs btw until it is broken )

If i play warrior i’ll most likely play kyrian, adds a bit of sustainability for solo PVP and some anti mobility from the spear.

the phial and spear should be really good for tanking mythic +

This is two weeks old news by now but kyrian potion will actually be usable in instanced pvp.

How does this affect your ranking of covenants.

This is true , they have hotfix it in the last build , sorry i was a little off to report this but tyvm for doing so :slight_smile:


Warriors PVP : Now more warriors are moving towards Kyrian is now the GO TO for PVP , its not just the buffed Spear of Bastion which is not a gear lock down option for you against moving targets AND dose good damage too , NOW we can use the Covenant Signature ability ( the vail ) in Instanced PVP.

And to that the fact that soulbinds of Kyrians have very strong PVP options that are tailored towards Warriors play style

Something to notice:

Protection PVP ! , not sure about this , i have been seeing people running around with a Devastator PVP Build + Kyrian covenant . The control the Protection Warrior brings is unlike other melee , maybe pairing with a strong mele DPS will make a good comb for PVP

Are we finally going to be having in PVP as Protection like we did in WOTLK ? :smiley:


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