Fast Travelling

Hi, so I’m quite the newbie. I’ve been playing as a mage for about 2 months and everything was great due to teleport spells. But now i’ve started another char with a friend and im a warlock hes a rogue and i know a bit around what raids drop mounts. So we were leveling in BFA and decided to do Onyxia which is in the middle of nowhere and my brain absolutely crashed cause i had no idea how to get there. I have the fast travel knowledge of a lvl 1. How do i get to stormwind fast? Do i have to really walk all the time back? How do i get from eastern kingdoms to kalimdor without having to get to Darnassus and then flying all the way down to Uldum for a boss? Playing a mage felt like SUCH a privilege and now idk how to get places… some help could be nice?

Some items give you teleports, cloak of coordination (guild cape), ring of kirin tor and many random assorted items give you access to teleports and help you return to city hubs or other locations.

This helps a lot because many portals spread all around the world, the cataclysm portals are also very useful near stormwind keep and let you travel around much faster.

Also on heirloom vendor is an item to unlock all flight paths in the old world so you can simply take a flight path close to desired location.

Also in options, click to move option is great, you can fly up, click the direction you wanna fly and it will move that way for you so you don’t have to constantly hold the button.

Also fast way to uldum is to take the portal to chamber of heart outside area, is right next to Uldum. Before that I would go to caverns of time and fly from there or cata portal when released, sure there is other ways too.

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Yes, we mages are spoiled. :slight_smile:

Onyxia for non-mages is Caverns of Time and fly North, or Shrine-> Transporter-> Ratchet.

You do get to know your way around after a while.

A Dalaran Hearthstone, as well as your regular Hearthstone, is essential. That means you can always hearth to Legion Dala and pop through the portal to Stormwind. Your Garrison Hearthstone can also be handy, especially for Warlords raids.

Keep in mind the three very useful Cata portals to Hyjal and Uldum and Twilight Highlands, as well as the portal in Boralus to Silithus.

The Caverns of Time portal in Stormwind/Org is also a must-know.

P.S. I had actually forgotten. Pet battling opens other instant transports from Dala, for both factions: Wailing Caverns, Deadmines, Gnomeregan, Stratholme and BRD. A genuine, practical use for pet battling! :slight_smile:


The easiest way to get to stormwind, is to talk to an inkeeper in stormwind and set your hearthstone there.

That way, you’ll be able to teleport there anytime you want, with your hearthstone.

Then there’s the option of using the dalaran hearthstone which is given to you during legion campaign, to teleport to new dalaran and then use the portal in alliance zone to get to stormwind.

Then there’s a guild cloak that also does that but that requires a bit of gold which you might not have enough of to spare, since you’re new.

Overall, I understand the comfort of using a mage to get around. It’s convenient and easy.

But it’s sometimes better to use other classes, so you could learn your way around azeroth.

Also, there’s always the option of asking a nearby mage for a portal. Just /who in chat to see people in your area. Find a mage in the list and whisper them for help. Join their group and you’re good to go.


if you are not a mage you have to slow travel like the rest of us peasants. :smile:

like many people said before, hearthstones, for the most time, are the way to go. you ll eventually have 3 (normal hearthstone, legion dalaran hearthstone if you visited legion and your garison hearthstone if you have unlocked that). i always set my normal hearthstone to the main city. the other both offer portals to the main city and you go from there.

if you dont know how to get around and which portal does what, i d suggest you take an hour and explore everything with your mage. you have the convenience to travel back to your main city and try again if need be.

but for the most time, you ll either have to fly manually or use flight points and then fly to your destination. yes, it is time consuming but i usually go afk or tab outside and do something else in the meantime so its not that bad imo.

of course, like Kreymore mentioned, there are items in the game which may make your life easier via additional portals on the go.

most of the things you just need to get used to it to know where things lead to find your way around azeroth.

edit: typo

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Here’s some info about traveling around Azeroth (blue is Alliance, red is Horde, yellow is for both).

Boats and zeppelins (dashed lines are portals, most of them replacing boats and zeppelins due to the destruction of Teldrassil and Undercity):

Places you can get to from the portal room in Stormwind/Orgrimmar:

Places you can get to from the Cataclysm portal hub (in a different part of Stormwind/Orgrimmar):

Besides that there are more stuff like teleport toys for engineers, or items you can get from quests/vendors which may or may not be worth it.

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