Faster Day / Night Cycle

This might just be a personal preference, but I’ve often been bothered by the fact that the Day / night cycle in WoW follows the servers time. I personally think it would be better if the game ran something like 1 hour of day time, ½ hour of night.

I feel it would add a lot of aestethic to the game, having a feeling that time actually passed. It would also allow the reintroduction (not sure if any actually still exist) of skill or talents that differed depending on the time of day. I remember Druids and Rogues used to have something that changed depending on it being day or night.

Also anyone who have played around with the “Date Simulation Modulator”-toy, could probably see how cool it would be to have the zones change more rapidly throughout the day, as lighting and weather can have a massive effect on the feel of a zone.

Thought I’d make a post about it and hear how other people felt about it and what your thoughts are on this :slight_smile:

Edit: We already know through certain toys like the Date Simulation Modulator or the Jar of Sunwarmed Sand, that manipulation of the in-game day cycle is possible. So even a simple toy that would just increase the day cycles speed by 12 or 24 times would be perfect and it would give people the option to play with their prefered setting. Though I would prefer to see it as an In-game option, along with an option for Darker Nights :slight_smile:


There are nights in WoW? :astonished:


As an option, sure why not.

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Yep you just need to hit argent dawn goldshire inn to enjoy it :smirk_cat:

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100% agree. This would be awesome. I love night times ingame.

I like the way it is. When the night comes in-game, it reminds me I should have gone to bed.


The only reason I’m against it is, I know other games use this to make certain gathering items and enemies unavailable outside of a specific weather and time of day and that’s an absolute pain. The devs would absolutely do it. Otherwise having a cycle like this would be lovely

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Really not something I want. If I could turn nights off in every game, I would. I loved timeless isle for this reason. I just can’t see anything. As an option though, shoot for the moon.

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Optional please, and ACTUAL nights please!
Not this…it’s day with sunglasses


They already do with Battle Pets spawning only during a specific weather… such as when it’s raining, or a dust storm, etc. and those were an absolute pain to do, especially the baby gorilla in STV.


Agreed as an option to make the cycle faster if a player wants it that way.

I personally prefer the way it is right now and I even enjoy and appreciate that when it is raining outside for me IRL it rains in game too. I don’t want that to change.

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One of the things I love about WoW is that it follows a real day night cycle. I hate games where you are constantly plunged into a night phase because it cycles too fast.

It’s funny how people all differ.


As someone who struggles in darkness (with seeing things) I’m fine with how it is just now as I play during the day.
But when I did used to work and played in the evenings I was constantly in darkness.

Best way to do this would be settings int Options Menu.
Day Always.
Night Always.
Cycle with Server Time.
Cycle every 3 hours.

I’d just choose Day Always.

Should be the same type of Setting for Weather, this can affect how much I can see in the game too, heavy rain hinders vision quite a bit.

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The IRL day cycle is why wow nights aren’t dark. Due to most players being stuck playing in the night light…

The day/night cycle should have been a lot more frequent, with an offset so that it isn’t always day at 12:00 or night at 24:00

Most people dont even realise its night unless they look up. Makes no difference to me anymore. Classic did it better.

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Last time I noticed it was the day I went to Boralas, so when BFA launched. I was playing in the evening for some reason and found the city very dark and tricky to navigate. I was hoping it was a night thing and was relieved the next day that when I went there in Daylight is was better.

This could also be an option inthe settings, Darkness Level 1 to 3 maybe.

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Yeah, you just gotta be awake when it happens.

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Having played a bit of classic recently, it does seem that the weather is a lot less pronounced in retail.

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In a similar fashion I’d love to be able to toggle proper dark nights and more hefty weather effects.


There are console commands to change this, I think there 5 levels.
I tried setting it to 0 but didn’t notice any difference then I tried setting it to 1 which did seem better but still a little annoying.

We shouldn’t use console command for something like this though. An Environment Setting section in Options with Day / Night, Weather and perhaps a few other things that could be varied (not sure, NPC population in cities maybe?).

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