Faster rune swapping needed (e.g. rune sets)

Can we have a faster way to swap runes please like having rune sets/templates?

Currently swapping 1 rune incurs a 5 sec cast and now with almost every item slot having an equipable rune if we need to swap several of them it can take up to 50 secs maybe more to swap them.

Consider the following scenario for a rogue tank just as an example:

1- Your group just killed a boss and now you need to clear some trash so you need to equip shuriken toss, blade dance, main gauche, fan of knives and focused attacks for example so you make your group wait for 25 secs before you can pull a trash pack.

2- Now you are done with trash and your group has reached the next boss fight however it is a solo tank fight and now you need to swap to full dps runes so you need to equip deadly brew, mutilate, poisoned knife, carnage, HAT, master of subtlety, etc… and now you make your group wait for another 30+ secs before you can pull the boss.

I don’t know but it kind of seems silly to me and I can think of several other classes that face the same issue

Now if we had rune sets you could just select and activate your AoE rune set which would take 5 sec to go into then swap to your DPS rune set when you need to and it would take only 5secs.

there are addons that does this, but you are correct saying there is a need for blizzard to implement a more user friendly rune interface for swapping quickly and correctly.

expecting blizzard to do more than the bare minimum is a fools hope though, so i advise just getting an addon, because you can’t count on blizzard to bother.

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Blimey even if they did implement this you just know an add-on made by some random dude in the middle of nowhere would do a vastly superior job if it lol