Hello Everyone! We are creating a small PvP community for Rated Battlegrounds and Arenas mostly for mature people that can only play late in the evenings. Ask for nothing but good manners and 200 item lvl to join us (if you have 1.5k+ exp it is even better). We don t want PvP Stars, angry boomers, spoiled little b…ts or people that disregard plans and tactics and do whatever they desire. We offer no special commitments , no set in stone grouping hours, no already set groups and no specific classes or setups for groups. We want to be able to group late in the evenings like 23:00 ST for some RBGs or Arenas or what ever we like to do in PvP. Remember We are working people with families and family is more than everything else, you play when you want and when you can. We are not going for Gladiator Titles or Rank 1 or what ever people think meaning of PvP is, if we reach high ratings that is great.No one will be forced to do something they don t like. Whisper “Kondarev-Ravencrest” for a talk and more information if you want and hope to see you around!