Fav pvp set

Teil me what u think is the coolest mogg set from pvp

The gladiator set that was in Legion I think, you can get the mythic version from nighthold. I didn’t really care about transmogs til recently but I wish I’d gone for the transmog that season cos I really like it. Now I got the nighthold version instead but its not as good imo.

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Was it the cruel one ?

Ah yes that sounds right :smiley: Pikaboo had it for a while as well as some other rogues so that’s how I found it. There’s also a red transmog gladiator set that looks pretty cool they’ve used too. I wish I’d farmed sets previously; the recent ones are crap in comparison heh

Season 3 set from TBC. But it’s way too common, otherwise I think those are some of the most epic sets ever made, generally speaking, though not for every class of course.

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Yes and they Not class only Which is a Big meh

the best set imo

Remastered priest t6 from legion, looks awesome af in elite, too bad I came back during the antorus patch so I missed it

Ahh a wowhead link :smiley:
I like https://www.wowhead.com/transmog-set=2158/vindictive-gladiators-leather-armor-elite-recolor and https://www.wowhead.com/transmog-set=2359/cruel-gladiators-leather-armor-elite-recolor

Only the shoulders were worth getting. The rest of the pieces never fit into the yellow glow of the shoulders. There are other pieces you can scrape together from other sets/random pieces from PvE sources that fits the shoulders, but it’s not really the set anymore. It’d just be the shoulders that looks good.

Looks better imo. Reminds me a little of star wars.

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This one is pretty sick

I love the last season of WoD set for mages. The purple one. Magister Umbric wears that set, if you’d like to look it up.

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I love this one but i didnt play there :confused:

The blue version of this always made me think of barbarians of mt Arreat from Diablo universe for some reason! Maybe I’m just a massive nerd :nerd_face:

Always was a toss up for me between Cataclysmic elite (red) paladin set and WoD season 1 elite pala set.

Unfortunately I was still a young scrub during Cata and couldn’t get it, but I’d gotten a bit better by WoD :slightly_smiling_face:

So you have a wod set as fav?:slight_smile:

If I was squeezed for a choice I’d probably say the red cats set, but maybe that’s cause I don’t have it and haven’t Tmogged it to death already hehe.

the legion remastered sets :smiley:

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On Warlock or Another class

Elite set from last legion season