Favourite Class?

Hit me with it, what’s you favourite class for-
(my picks)
-Lore reasons (Mage) :scroll:
-Gameplay reasons (Druid) :video_game:
-Roleplay reasons (Rogue) :performing_arts:


Demon Hunter, for both lore and gameplay reasons.


English and Science…

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For all warlock

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Uninstall Wizard

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Lore - Warlock
Gameplay - Warlock / Hunter
Roleplay - Warlock / Hunter

I wanted to stick to one but I cannot separate warlock and hunter for the second two points.


Lore reasons - Paladin
Gameplay - Hunter
Roleplay - Warrior

I could put Paladin for all 3 tbh but I have more fun on my Hunter and for RP being a simple warrior is pretty good and flexible.


Lore: Maybe druids, although i don’t think I’m deep enough into any class’ lore sadly. It can be a bit hard to follow.

Gameplay: Demon hunters. Especially in the current patch they’re basically my favourite, only rivaled with 8.3 demon hunters.

Roleplay: Would probably go with… priest/druid/hunter. I can insert a little of myself in either, making it easier to roleplay while also loving their fantasy.

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Lore - warrior.
Gameplay - dh, monk, dk, warrior.
Roleplay - I was never interested in that. I’d probably pick a warrior.

Druid for me encompasses all of it :slight_smile:

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Lore: Rogue, always enjoyed the sabotage from the shadows vibe.

Gameplay: used to be warrior but ever since to rework ive really enjoyed paladin.

Roleplay: probably hunters, who need friends when you have pets that love you.

From lore perspective, Death Knights. These guys are huge part of WoW lore, and probably the darkest one.
Gameplay wise, Hunters. All three specs are unique both thematically and mechanically.
For RP, Monk. This is THE class for all the explorers and adventurers.

i also love dhs but don’t have a max level yet so not sure about them

warlock and mage for all the right reasons :man_mage:



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lore = balance druid
gameplay = all druids
roleplay = rogue

Lore: Warrior(, Mage)

Gameplay: Ret Paladin, WW Monk

Roleplay: Warrior

Rogue is the best class. You don’t have to deal with people, get in stealth and do whatever you like. Rogues are capable of killing most of the classes in openworld and if they come with their friends, simply vanish. Master of dps in pve, possibly the most annoying class in pvp so yeah rogue is the best class. 2nd pick would be warrior for me, I like t3 on them :slight_smile:

Lore: paladin
Gameplay: warrior
Roleplay: warrior/paladin

Whatever the rpg is I always play one or the other lol