Favourite Villains?

Garithos was just looking out for Lordaeron
snickers and runs and hides

The PCU in ten characters.


I’ve also gotta admit I have a soft spot for Deathwing, probably because Cataclysm was the first expansion launch I was looking forward to, and when I played the game the most.
For better or for worse, he had presence. Wherever you go (bar Outland and Northrend) you could see the wake of his destruction, with most zones in Azeroth consisting of “what happened uncle ben” “DEATHWING​:exclamation::exclamation:
Unfortunately the scars are still here 12 years later which is enough time for cataclysm fatigue to set in hardcore.
I also really liked the old god stuff it brought along, those huge maws embedded in the terrain were really cool.

Yogg-saron is also good. Love how he’s hinted at in quests, and his bossfight was always cool. Plus that whole Ulduar thing was kinda neat.
Unfortunately he suffers a bit from vagueposting syndrome.

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I am Duskar.

Bobby Kotick.


same for me!

Arthas - in the rise and fall til he was THE Villain for a long while.

Nefarian and Onyxia - with their scheming and manipulations in the guise of nobles.

Sylvanas - til suddenly ‘I was not incontrol of myself’. Then it lost the charm of a character following own goals and agenda.

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