Fear buff needs to go

Gonna carry on until you realize how much % dmg you take in fear atm.


Working as intended. Waiting for a new Druid talent which makes cyclone damageable but not breakable or healable.

Tremor totem says hi

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Yeah ofc i can tremor, what is the 1st thing you do against a Shaman? Follow the totem pattern. Kill them in an order to win the game. Pfft. Next

Locks blasting you in a single fear + deathcoil = death. The amount of dmg you can do to a feared target and not break the CC. It’s dumb.

The big joke is when warrior fear follows x2 overpowers, a rend, while you are still running away to get in a worse position, yes fear hasn’t broken yet, then it finally breaks after taking a quarter of your health bar
